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Please be happy for me!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:09 am
by kimnim1
I got my attachments off yesterday and had impressions done for refinement. (My teeth look great, but since I'm paying so much money I want them perfect!) I love having my buttons off and have been running my teeth over them constantly. My ortho said a couple weeks wait for the refinements to come in so i'm in my last trays until they come in but without the attachments, they just slide right in and out! I'm also only wearing the top one at night and taking longer breaks with the bottom one out! it's so much fun to snack again :) I know i'll have to go back to 3 hrs off only when refinements come in but i'm enjoying it in the meantime!

my problem: i keep telling people how close i am to being done and they are not sharing my excitement! i understand they don't get what a pain invisalign can be sometimes, so i thought i'd try this forum because i know you all get how excited i am being so close!

Thanks for listening!

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:38 pm
by Phantom Muse
YAY for you!!!!! I will be getting the rest of my attachments off for refinements in one week, so I really do understand your excitement! Invisalign is a great system, but it requires a lot of discipline. To have a break from the grind is such a treat, eh?!

Enjoy snacking and grazing again (and don't feel guilty if you choose NOT to brush right away after enjoying your snacks)!

Any idea/estimate on how many refinement trays you may need?! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:58 pm
by kimnim1
no idea...they didn't want to guess but it didn't sound like many. the one assistant was even surprised i was doing refinements, but a couple more trays is worth perfection when i'm paying this much!!! and i do like invisalign and glad i did it, but as i'm sitting here i dont have my trays in and i don't feel guilty :D
congrats on being almost done yourself. good luck with your refinements...the end is near!

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 8:17 am
by Wireless
Congratulations on being close to finished!! I think only those who are Invisalign patients really understand what a commitment and headache this is.

The best part of having great looking teeth is not having people stare at a crooked smile. I first had braces as a teenager (long time ago!!) for teeth that looked worse than a pickett fence. Before treatment, I can remember people gawked at me when I smiled - my teeth were that bad!! I can still remember being very hurt by this.

The real joy in this has been a lifetime of not worrying about having everyone stare at my teeth for the wrong reason. I'm much more comfortable in social situations.

The only major problem is that I wasn't treated early enough to correct underlying jaw issues, which has resulted in a couple of retreatments as an adult.

Most of my friends aren't overly concerned or interested in my Invisalign treatment. They have been good at not commenting when I pull my aligners out when in a group - I got tired of running to the restroom after 18 months. Most had braces as teens and are understanding of what I am doing. The only comments I get back are what dental problems everyone else has - bridges, implants, etc. After hearing this, braces aren't so bad!!

I have gotten positive comments about my teeth occasionally throughout my life. People do notice and will offer compliments!!

Enjoy the final results!! I guarantee people will notice.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:28 pm
by andrea26
I agree, people were never really interested in me wearing invisalign. and they would very often forget and offer me snacks. I am finished with my treatment now, I have to wear a retainer every night. It's so nice to eat whenever I want to but I still keep brushing my teeth after every meal. I guess I got very used to the feeling of nice clean teeth.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:15 pm
by TinySmiley
YAY!!! kimnim1!!! Almost done!!! :D Invisalign is such an ordeal, so when you are almost at the end, it is a BIG deal. I'm happy that you like your teeth a lot and I agree, since spending all that money, you want them to look their very best so it is worth getting a few more aligners, if you want. That's what I might do too. :wink:

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:45 pm
by kimnim1
Thanks everyone! I agree that most people could care less that I have invisalign and didn't care about me popping them out wherever (I got sick of the bathroom trips too). I have become a brushing/flossing addict since starting and i know that will not go away now! I never knew how much food could get stuck between your teeth, lol!

I'm waiting impatiently for the my refinement clincheck to come in. I thought it would be this week, but looks like it'll be next week now. That's ok...more snacking for me!

Thanks again for the support. I don't comment on these forums too much, but it's nice to know that there are others out there.

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:25 pm
by alimommy1
I don't have invisalign but I am using retainers to make adjustments, so I understand the whole 'can't snack with them on' lol. I drink anyway but I can't imagine trying to to eat anything I had to chew. Anyway, it IS exciting that you're almost done, and this has been a great place for support!


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:46 pm
by sadpanda
I don't have Invisalign, but I've read enough about it on this forum that I know I could never have gone through with it. Well, it wouldn't have worked for me anyway, but I see that it takes a lot of dedication and discipline that I don't have. I admire you for being able to pull it all off and succeed.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:26 am
by law
Well Done!..............not sure how you done it,its my second day with my first set and im already fed up!

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 11:14 am
by Wireless
I think Sadpanda has a good comment. There is a lot of commitment involved, particularly for complex cases, which can drag out. I've been in treatment over a year and a half without a real end in sight yet.

It's difficult to go to meetings where I'm drinking water and others are having coffee and snacks. I also travel quite a bit and Invisalign isn't really "road friendly". I had regular braces before and it wasn't nearly the hassle.

Invisalign does live up to the claim that nobody else will notice. Nobody has ever staired at my teeth, even when I had attachments. However, when food enters the room for a meeting, its definitely a problem. This is something to consider when evaluating Invisalign.

After Invisalign can come full time retainers - which have the same Invisalign lifestyle. I have a lower that I have to wear full time now. This could turn into a 2 to 3 year event. Something to think about.

Invisalign hell

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 2:59 pm
by newsazzysmile15
I couldn't agree more!

I have the same problem wireless!! I have so many people at work kindly offering to get me coffee and I feel so bad always saying no!! A lot of the meetings I attend involve a working lunch and I get so many strange looks for always declining! I never want to take them out beforehand though as the meetings can last 2hrs and I don't like having them out that long!!

I spend 12 hours a week in my car commuting and I used to have half my meals in the car which has now been put on hold!! on the plus side I no longer buy treats when filling up at the petrol station!!!!