New to Invisalign, but not new to braces and COFFEE!!
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:14 am
Hi Folks! I just got Invisalign last week! My back story is - I recently had clear braces which were removed in August of this year after only 11 months. I did not feel my teeth were ready to be de-braced but my Ortho insisted that I was done and my teeth would look good after the braces come off. Long story short - no they didn't. I was very unhappy with my result - and went back to the Ortho and told him I was not happy. He offered a round of Invisalign - he would not charge me for the additional work he would have to do and I paid $900 for 16 Invisalign trays. So here I am - starting another 'braces' journey. One week in and can I say COFFEE! I am a morning coffee drinker, and I like to take my time drinking it. So far this has been my biggest adjustment. The dental assistant said I 'could' drink coffee with the trays in if it's luke warm and I rinse my mouth and trays afterward. Mehhhhh....not sure I'm too keen on this since it feels I'm breaking the rules. I've limited myself to one cup of coffee without the trays and I drink it done relatively quickly. How are you all dealing with your caffeine fix?? And damn - I think I'm already losing weight from not being able to snack! Share your tips and trick and feel free to commiserate!