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how do you know if they're not working?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:15 pm
by buttercup
Obviously, a lot of people did not end up very happy with Invisalign. I'm only on my 4th tray right now, but I want to know how you know whether or not they're working? Mine are always tight the first couple of days, but before the end of the first week, they feel just fine. But I don't know if that means my teeth are moving or my teeth stretched the trays... And did most of you who ended up getting braces do so later or early on?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:13 am
by lesley
Most of the people who get braces get them at the end of their treatment or when their trays stopped fitting.

As long as your trays are fitting properly, you are on the right path - I am on 15/24 and so far so good. Almost all of the teeth I want moved are in position - I guess the last trays are just meant to "perfect" them. My ortho did tell me that most people need revisions. If I am satisfied with my teeth by the end of my treatment, I will not be doing a revision.

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 7:58 pm
by Jeff
You'll know if the things start getting behind on you. Either you'll be able to see gaps where they aren't covering your teeth fully (my first molding) or you'll be able to push down in the back and the front will pop up (my second molding). I'm sure there are many variations on the theme, but my thought is that you'll know it when and if you see it.

I went for about a year and a half with no end in sight before I gave up on Invisalign.