First, Your Account Must First Be Active
To post a message, you must be logged in. If you just registered, your account must be active or you will not be able to log in.
When you register, the system sends you an email with a link which activates your account. You must click on the link to complete your registration and activate your account. If you receive a blank registration email with no link (this sometimes happens), email the webmaster at and request account activation. The webmaster can activate your account manually on her end, but you you must give your username, not just your email address. This may take a few days, depending on how busy the webmaster is.
Please note that the registration email is sometimes sent to your bulk or spam folder. Please check these folders if you think that you did not receive your registration email.
How to Log in
Once your account is activated, you can log in. Near the top of the message board, you will see the words "Log in." Click on this and a screen will appear where you can type in the user name and password you signed up with. Alternately, you can just type the user name and password in the boxes at the very bottom of the main page.
After you log in, you can post.
How to Post a Message
Go to the forum where you want to make a post (for example, Metal Mouth Forum, Our Braces Stories, etc).
In the upper left corner, you will see a button that says "New Topic." Click on this button to post a new message.
When you are done composing your message, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen to send your message.
How to Log In and Post a Message
Moderator: bbsadmin
How to Log In and Post a Message
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!