This part of the message board is only for technical stuff related to posting messages and using the message board. DO NOT POST YOUR BRACES-RELATED QUESTIONS HERE OR THEY WILL BE DELETED.
How come you guys' are large??
The size of the pic should be no larger than 80 pixels width & length. I've resized mine to the max which is 80 pixels but why is it tooo small? I tried resizing the pic again to the size of Meryaten's avatar but I couldn't upload it because it says the pic is too large! But how come Meryaten can?
I'm curious about this as well. It does specifically state 80x80, but I don't see too many members with these dimensions. I'm seeing all sorts of picture dimensions.
If you are using one that is stored on your pc it won't let you upload one that is bigger than 80 pixels times 80 pixels (or at least it wouldn't let me). But after I uploaded mine to a picture hosting site (I use Photobucket) then used it from there it let me use a bigger one.
I don't know how big it will let you go but I wouldn't go too big because the big ones mess up the board and move all the posts to the right hand side which is annoying.
Thanks for the info, Spanner. I was starting to wonder if it only applied to pics uploaded directly from my PC, but hadn't been able to experiment yet. Don't worry about me uploading a huge picture. I moderate a forum and understand all too well the annoyances of people posting things that screw up the overall page formatting. Especially with people posting urls that are about 5 miles long.