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Need Advice Should I ask about IMPLANTS? with pics

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:18 pm
by iBorg
Archwired Friends

I’m asking for your opinion about my treatment. This is the second time I’ve had braces. The first time was a disaster. My ortho insisted on my bi-cupsids being removed and then pulled my teeth back in such a way they disappeared from my mouth. Some twenty years after this first disaster I started the process again in September. I felt completely foolish to start this process again at 48. I’ve linked photos from my records appointment. Note the missing teeth from my smile? When I started I had three goals, teeth that showed, reduce TMJ issues and help minimize grinding. So far my teeth are much more apparent but not as much as I desire. I have a bite plate and have reduced my TMJ to almost nonexistent. The grinding will continue until my bite is corrected.
During my last appointment my ortho had power chains put on my top four middle teeth and my right side. The left was left alone. I have about a 1/8 inch gap on my tops where the bicuspids were removed. Currently I have a deep overbite. My top teeth protrude about a 1/8 in front of my lowers.

So much for my description, here’s my questions. Should I bring up the subject of implants for my bicuspids? Would keeping my teeth as forward in my mouth as possible help keep my teeth visible or would the amount of movement required to move them back to close the gaps not matter? How expensive are implants? I’ll be at my orthos in a couple of weeks (my son is getting ready to start) and would like some guidance before I bring this up. If implants are doubtful to help, I’ll let it go. If it has a real possibility of helping, I will mention it.

Records appointment



After two weeks


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:26 am
by Ronsie
Dear iBorg,
Firstly, I don't think that your teeth look 'sunken-in' at all but that's just my opinion! You've had some great progress with your braces and I think you'll be very happy with the results.
Regarding your question about implants, I'm concerned that you state that you have an overbite. if you were to add two teeth (to the top?), your overbite would become more severe, yes?
My husband had a molar implant a few years ago. The cost here in Chile was about US$1,000 so I would expect it to cost up to US$1,500 or US$2,000 each in the US (without insurance). Expensive but the results are fantastic. I suppose that if the bone and gum are healthy they could do implants but, of course, your ortho would know best how that would work within your dental structure.
Good luck!

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:01 pm
by rsprouse
You have a weak sagittal profile (not a big deal) and adding an implant will do nothing to cure that. There are some problems with this, moving the anterior portion of your arch to create space for a bicuspid implant will take some time and not be easy and could cause some periodontal problems. Even doing so will only push you even more into a class II mandiublar relationship. If you wanted a more prominent profile you will probably need to look to a surgical approach. Good luck.


Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:12 pm
by iBorg
I appreciate the comments. I'm not happy with my profile but can live with it. If I had surgery it would not be with the goal of changing my profile but to help with the TMJ, or to help get a better bite. Of course I'd say one is connected to the other. I'd still love to have a more "teethy" smile.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:16 pm
by QKate
I think you should try to find a really good centist or prosthodontist to guide you through these big decisions. I know in my own treatment I tried to manage it on my own at first, coordinating different things and such, and things didn't work out so well. Now I am on (like you) a repairing journey with my mouth. After much looking, I found a great periodontist ( my major problems are in that arena) and he sent me to a prosthodontist and an orthodontist who he works with, and the three of them came up with a plan for my whole mouth. You probably need a few dentists of different specialties to coordinate a plan for you. Good luck with it.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:19 pm
by QKate
The other thing is, perhaps when you are done with orthodontics you can have veneers or something to elongate your teeth?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:02 pm
by iBorg
Veneers are definetly a possibility. My ortho has suggestted I consider veneers on at least my two center top teeth. That very well may be why my ortho is set on opening up my bite. The last time we discussed my bite plate and graduating away from it, her comment was to the effect that I'd have it for a lot longer. Oh well.


Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:27 am
by Rickysa

Were bicuspids removed on the upper and lower? Can you post some intraoral pics that show the amount of space and how your bite is currently?

My wife was treated with "4 on the floor" as a kid, and has never liked her profile as a result...she is thinking about getting wired up again to advance the incisors, which will require opening the extraction spaces and placing implants.

It is definitely a viable treatment option (depending on how things are fitting together currently)

Dr. S

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:39 am
by iBorg
My concern isn't about the profile but teeth visibility and TMJ. I'll post x-rays from my records appointment.



Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:22 pm
by zena
[quote="Ronsie"]Dear iBorg,
Firstly, I don't think that your teeth look 'sunken-in' at all but that's just my opinion! You've had some great progress with your braces and I think you'll be very happy with the results.
Regarding your question about implants, I'm concerned that you state that you have an overbite. if you were to add two teeth (to the top?), your overbite would become more severe, yes?
My husband had a molar implant a few years ago. The cost here in Chile was about US$1,000 so I would expect it to cost up to US$1,500 or US$2,000 each in the US (without insurance). Expensive but the results are fantastic. I suppose that if the bone and gum are healthy they could do implants but, of course, your ortho would know best how that would work within your dental structure.
Good luck![/quote

Why your husband had a morlar implant. I am considering having 2 on the lower to replace extractions.