Braces... again.

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Braces... again.

#1 Post by maf »

Hi all,

I'm 31 living in Australia (grew up in the UK until the age of 14). I had braces when I was 11 back in the late 1980s. Yesterday I got my braces fitted for the second time...

I was apprehensive about it, naturally, but also accepting of the fact being a veteran of braces from the first time I suppose. I though it was only an appointment to have impressions and some other minor things yesterday, but my ortho announced he was putting everything on my teeth that morning. Oh well, I thought, it has to be done sometime.

It surprised me how little time it took - just over half-an-hour - to put all the brackets, etc. on. Some of the techniques are quicker this time around. Now I have those matching top and bottom arches, though thankfully the brackets at the front are clear-colored this time :)

In the afternoon and all evening/night I felt like I wanted to take the damn things off the pressure and pain was so bad. So uncomfortable! And I haven't eaten anything substantial since yesterday; actually since Monday evening. I'm very hungry, but the throbbing constant pain keeps me away from making any food.

Getting used to the cleaning ritual will take a while. I'm extremely cautious and worried about going near my teeth and braces with anything (including food) at the moment. I'm sure I'll get into the routine soon enough.

Ah, that's my introduction for now :)

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#2 Post by maf »

Thanks for the welcome :)

And for reminding me about the saltwater rinse; my orthodontist recommended it for helping prevent ulcers from irritation caused by the braces. It's probably good for hygiene in general. I seem to remember using saltwater the first time I had braces, too.

I just had a soup yesterday, but it was a tough day (and evening/night). Today is slightly better; paracetamol helps with the discomfort as well.

I made dinner again for my girlfriend and I this evening. I'd cook a meal for her even if I wasn't eating, and I considered soup again today, but I figured I could try and eat some mashed potato and carrot and chicken. It wasn't too bad, though it took me a while to eat, chopping and mashing things into something I could swallow and maybe chew a little on my back teeth. Certainly, it was nice to have some proper food inside me :)

Straightening my teeth - especially the front ones - has been on my mind for about ten years or more. Only recently did the financial means become available for me. Even so, I probably would've thought and though about it before deciding on orthodontic treatment again, especially knowing what I was in for from previous experience!

I guess over the years I'd been resigned to the fact my teeth looked bad and there was nothing I could do about it; and they got slowly worse over those years. When people you love start mentioning it, however, it does stay in your mind, that the smile you think you have doesn't look good anymore, even your own loved ones.

I've been advised that I'll probably need a retaining device for the rest of my life, but I hope at the end of this journey with the fixed braces I'll be able to smile again at people and not be ashamed of showing my teeth, or myself.

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#3 Post by pippy »

Hi MAf, I know what you mean about the smile - I sorta got used to mine being all wonky and really for years no one complained about it (and it certainly didn't affect the love life :wink: I almost thought they were part of my personality, like I wouldn't be the same without my quirky teeth. funny that the only person who has ever hassled me about them is my husband, humph, either he's picky....or he's just more honest than everyone else :?

The braces are more uncomfortable than I was prepared for - not so much sore as just plain awkward! I swear my top lip does not fit over them so as well as having crooked teeth, now I get to feel like i have buck teeth too!! Plus the lovely cement build ups at the back don't reflect my natural bite so if I want to close my mouth I have to concentrate on where I put all my teeth...very weird. AM sure hubby must be thrilled as I must spend my nights either snoring or drooling...ah well, thats what he gets for picking on them :twisted:

Aren't you good for cooking meals for your gf!! I've sat back with a wine and waited for hubby to cook ME something nice, well he gets to eat more of it :lol:

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#4 Post by maf »

They are awkward, for at least a couple of weeks (it took me about a week to remember what it was like again; the last time was when I was 12 years old). Your mouth and lips will adjust to the temporary extensions to your teeth; it just takes a bit of time.

As the teeth move, the brackets and things seem to rub on different places. My front brackets rub and catch on the inside of my top lip from one day to the other, or not at all. Last night my lip was catching on one bracket in particular. I had to use wax the other week, but not this week. It's a constant change :)

I can't close my back teeth together on one side (I have a "cross-bite"), as the top molars come down on a bracket on the bottom and that is uncomfortable when I forget and they come together. Chewing on that side is not really possible at the moment for me.

I was worried about kissing my gf for about a week :P but after the initial pain and discomfort had passed, I took things slowly and it's not problem now, fortunately :wink:

I'm the cook in my relationship. My gf also makes nice meals, but she prefers I do the cooking and I'm happy with that. I take after my late grandfather who always made the meals for our family :)

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