greetings! day#2...owwww!!!

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greetings! day#2...owwww!!!

#1 Post by cassie »

Hi, I wanted to introduce myself and tell you all how incredibly helpful this site has been in the last few months. For education, as well as the comfort of knowing there are many other post-teens going through this with me!

I'm 26 (soon to be 27) years old and a graduate student of urban planning in Southern California. When I was younger, my parents couldn't afford braces and I figured my chance had passed. In the last few years each time I went to the dentist the first thing they always said was, "Have you ever thought about getting braces?". Finally, at my last cleaning, a new dentist asked this same question and I sadly decided to do some research. I'm not terribly vain, but thought of a metal smile for 2 years made me queasy. That night, I found this site when looking for information about the procedures and costs, and I was shocked to see there were so many adults out there having ortho work done! You people are a huge reason I took the plunge! The other ($) being my university dental plan discounts the procedure pretty significantly. When I found this out ($2,500--unless extractions are needed) I decided to go for it...the sooner on, the sooner off!

Got the spacers and brackets on 2 weeks problem, except minor soreness the next morning (well, and that uncomfortable first look in the mirror! The ortho office manager's, "No one will ever notice the metal on the bottom"...that was a lie!!!). By that night, after spending my first afternoon and evening socializing with friends, the brackets had ripped my lips and cheeks to shreds...I could barely speak! It took about a week (and two boxes of wax) to heal, but I was fine the second week.

Yesterday afternoon I returned for the molar bands and wires. Now, things are getting bad! Since last night, my jaw is seriously sore and I can't chew. In the last few hours I've noticed that my tongue is becoming abraded by the molar bands. Grrr!!!

Here's a pic:
The problems are the canines, serious crowding on the bottom (possible extractions--I'm crossing my fingers not!), and a bad overbite.

At any rate, I'm here for the long haul. 18-24 (up to 30 with extractions), but I know I made the right decision! Thanks to all, in advance!


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Location: city of angels, ca

#2 Post by cassie »

Thanks, Karen! I started my salt rinses this morning. I remember they told me to do that when I had my wisdom teeth out for the same healing effect, I'm sure.

Yes, the cleats are pretty nasty, but it also seems when they bent it to fit my tooth, the bottom edge jutted out and is positioned there like a razor. Thats the worst part. I'm going to call tomorrow and see if I can go in for things like that for free. I never asked whether comfort relieving visits like that are covered by what I've paid... :?

As for food, I'm living on ramen noodle soups, cottage cheese, yogurt, canned vegetable and boyfriend was horrified a few nights ago when I told him I ate a bowl of garbanzo beans for dinner :) but he understands this is temporary, and I'm usually not that bad (though, I'm lazy and don't like to cook). I'm vegetarian, like many of you, it seems, so it's certainly nice to not worry about meat...though right now I'm really craving a crunchy salad with nuts :( I think I'm going to go to get indian food for lunch...the spinach curry and rice pudding are quite swallowable, though I hope it doesn't stain the ligs. I had the clear last time, and they got pretty yellow by the 2 week visit. Now I have the pearl on top...they said they're pretty stain that true? Because I'm not scheduled to go back for a month.

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#3 Post by sjsarre »

Hi Cassie

Congrats on getting braced.. The Salt water rinses do work wonders.. Fingers crossed you mouth will get used to the brace and hardware very soon..

It took me a couple of months to be able to eat 'proper' food again.. But i'm 3.5 months in and I managed to chomp into a cheese burger last night! :D


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#4 Post by lionfish »

Hi cassie, interesting career you've chosen there. I graduated in urban planning a few decades ago, still practising though!

Hope things ease up for you soon.

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Location: city of angels, ca

#5 Post by cassie »

Thanks all...Sjsarre, was it in the bun, and everything?!? Congrats! I figure the meat patty itself, cut up wouldn't be that bad to chew, if cooked right. Veggie burgers are a little tougher...ohhhh,that sounds sooo good to me right now...I'm so sick of soup!

Linda, I'm going to go with the pink on top next time, I think. I want to keep it light. I'm going wine-tasting next week up in Sonoma, CA, so we'll see how the pearl holds up to that!

And lionfish, so glad to hear you're a planner!...what sector do you work in? What was the response to your teeth at work? I've got a year left of school before I find a full-time job, but I'm anxious about very visable public work. I dread public speaking and such anyway, so the braces aren't helping my comfort level in this very public field that I've chosen!

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Location: emerald city, oz

#6 Post by lionfish »

cassie wrote:
And lionfish, so glad to hear you're a planner!...what sector do you work in? What was the response to your teeth at work? I've got a year left of school before I find a full-time job, but I'm anxious about very visable public work. I dread public speaking and such anyway, so the braces aren't helping my comfort level in this very public field that I've chosen!
I have my own consulting company, we target social planning and impact assessment, but do regular development work as well if necessary. We also do community consultation.

I've had braces almost 6 months. I have linguals on top and ceramics on the bottom -thus, not a high visibility combination. There hasn't been a reaction from colleagues or clients to date, but I expect people will notice when I start week.

I had a day long consultation the day after getting my uppers. I felt a bit fuzzy mouthed, but got through it. A few weeks ago, I did a 2 hour workshop and it was fine. I was never real keen on public speaking either, but you get used to it.

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good luck, Cassie

#7 Post by ilovepenguins »

You just gotta stay strong through those first few months. In the end, you'll be so glad you did it.

Also, your boyfriend sounds like a smart guy. A girl can't live on garbanzo beans alone. You should make him cook more stuff for you.


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