hi im back! update and PICS!

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hi im back! update and PICS!

#1 Post by blueberry »

hi everyone, i found this site last year while i was waiting for my braces and posted on it during my countdown first till extractions then to getting braced, alot happened and i wasnt able to continue posting, so i dont really have many inbetween pics but im only about 4 months into treatment, alot has changed!!
a little about my case... im a class III (underbite) not very severe as no surgery is needed, so just braces top and bottom and 4 extractions, i have some pics. my front teeth were crooked shaped a bit like this /\ and my lower 4 front teeth were squashed up...
heres the before pics, before extractions, i know they are blurry but you get the general shapes...
these are after the extractions, i know really bad quality/size/sorry!

and these are the new pictures i hope you can see the difference...


im in a bit of a hurry today, so hopefully i can sort out some less blurry pics for another post, and get them up on my website, i have more details of my story on there just click the WWW any questions/comments please let me know im happy to help especially people with class 3,
take care everyone

Posts: 31
Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:45 am

#2 Post by toothfairy »

The change looks amazing! Your progress looks great. :)
Last edited by toothfairy on Sat Sep 16, 2006 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 40
Joined: Fri May 12, 2006 11:05 am

Welcome Back

#3 Post by paralegallsj »

:D Wow :D

Great Progress: I am very impressed. I am so hopeful that my progress will be swift.

Hang In There

Spacers Placed on Sept 5, 2006
Spacers Re-placed on Sept 12, 2006
Upper and Lower Bands Placed on Sept 14, 2006
Upper Metal Braces Placed on Sept 14, 2006
1st Adjustment on October 18, 2006
2nd Adjustment on November 28, 2006
Lower Metal Braces on November 28, 2006

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