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#1 Post by Beckvan »

Well in approximately 6 hours I will be sitting in a chair @ my friendly Orthodontist's getting my films, impressions & spacers done.
YIKES I'm excited.
OK here is the story. 52 yo (ya 52) 2nd time for braces, female.
Dentist said umm you need to do this before all your teeth fall out so I'm doing it. So this is the 1st day I, also the last day of having this very unattractive smile I have been putting my hand over for like-FOREVER.
I will have to buy stock in Ibu! :lol:
But I am going to do this & IT WILL BE GREAT!!! I just know it.
This message board is soooo supportive THANKS GUYS!

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#2 Post by joney »

Hi Beckvan

Hope the appointment goes well for you. I am 41 and I also took the decision as I want to hang on to my teeth and hopefully prevent losing some in the future which was likely to happen if I didn't get them sorted. I will also hopefully get a good smile too. My braces are due to be put on November 10th.

Great that you're so positive with your decision, I'm sure that helps.


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#3 Post by Beckvan »

Hey Joney:
Well I am scheduled to get mine on 10/26 so I will definetly keep you posted how it goes.
This is going to be wayyyyyy kewl when we get done!!

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#4 Post by Beckvan »

Hey Joney:
Well I am scheduled to get mine on 10/26 so I will definetly keep you posted how it goes.
This is going to be wayyyyyy kewl when we get done!!

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#5 Post by OBG »

Being that 52 is the new 30 something you'll be able to enjoy your new smile for many years. I took the plunge in my late 40's and have never regreted my decision.

You have probably already heard this but the spacers are a pain in the *** but you will quickly get over them as your nervous anticipation builds as your b-day approaches. I'm sure you have realized that times passes quickly (where did those last 50 years go?) and it is the same with the orthodontic journey. There will be good days and a few bad days but the joy you get as your teeth straighten will brighten your every day.

I look forward to reading your updates and hopefully pics will be included at some point.

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#6 Post by Beckvan »

Well 3rd day into the spacers & well annoying @ best & not so easy to eat but hey they are there & thats all there is to it huh?
So only 12 days till I get banded. OH BOY!!!
Thanks guys for your support! It is great.

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#7 Post by OBG »

Sounds like you are dealing with the spacers pretty well.

what kind of braces are you getting? How long is your anticipated treatment?

Hang in there the hardest part, building the courage to take the plunge is over and very soon the spacers will be history. Mark my word, after you have had your braces on for about three weeks you often do not even realize you're braced.

Take care.

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#8 Post by Beckvan »

Well I can see things moving just from the spacers-or maybe its my imagination :lol: who knows. But I do know eating is a pain!! Have to chose my food carefully, which is a real concern because I'm a saladholic! & I am really afraid of putting on weight from eating "soft" foods & some other concerns about bodily functions, yes i do know about applesauce but you can only eat so much of that & soup, so if anyone has healthy soft food ideas I'm ready to check them out. I do eat bananas every day so thats good, smoothies well not a big fan, sensitive teeth-duhh.
I am not sure my treatment time maybe 2 years but I'm not even going to think about that, I have a deal w/my ortho he is not to tell me when we are going to take them off-I want him to surprise me & say todays the day! That way I won't get dissapointed!
Oh trying to stay OFF the IBU too-some side effects over long time use so use that only after eating.
Thanks for all your support everybody!!

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#9 Post by OBG »

Now you know why we are so glad to get our braces on, it is so we no longer will have to deal with those damn spacers!

Don't fret you will soon be able to dive back into that salad bowl. I think I did the jello thing (sugar free) when I was sporting the spacers and after the adjustments.

This probably seems like quite a commitment but when the day arrives when you no longer are a member of the braced community it will be worth the investment of time and minor pain.

It sounds like you have a pretty good handle on this adventure so keep the faith and keep us posted. Needless to say we are but a large support group and will do whatever we can to help you through your journey.

Be well.

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