To the Beginning...

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Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:00 am

To the Beginning...

#1 Post by bip »

I'm finally getting around to my introduction - found this site a few weeks ago when it was still pretty early SPAM SPAM SPAMMING and I could have backed out. I must say that the posts and information here had a lot to do with me NOT backing out so here goes...

Long story short - never had braces as a kid. Remember some talk of it but nothing ever came about. My smile is far from perfect but I've learned (or so I thought) to live with that. I try to hold my mouth a certain way when talking one on one, and have learned little tricks to make the crowding less noticeable, etc. It wasn't until it became more than a cosmetic issue that I thought I'd better do something. Jaw pain and headaches from years of misalignment and crowding led my dentist to schedule a consult. A little over a month later, after one extraction (that was the point of no return for me because the extraction was toward the front and left a gaping hole in my bottom teeth!) and a week in spacers I now find myself in bands and scheduled for B-day on November 1st.

While I'm still extremely excited and I know in the end it wil be worth it health-wise, not to mention smile-wise, I found myself commenting to the husband last night that protein drinks were looking very appealing because eating was already somewhere beyond tedious. And I am only in bands right now! :?

So, I'm toasting the beginning of this whole process and the next two years will no doubt forever be known as "when I was in braces". My goal is to have them off for my 40th birthday, which is pushing the lower limit of the ortho's 18 to 24 months schedule. I plan on being a model patient though so hopefully I'll surprise him!

Posts: 73
Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:30 am

#2 Post by Indalee »

Welcome to this wonderful website Bip and congratulations on taking a courageous leap into braces! I know this website sure helped me to make my decision on getting braced. I do agree with you that eating is more of a chore now but believe me it will getting easier. There will be times when you forget you even have braces and they may even become enjoyable for you. Just know that this will all be worth it in the end and any discomfort is only temporary. :thumbsup:

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