hellooo :) from Australia. some PICTURES and concerns. o_O

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#16 Post by yaz »

Glad I'm not alone then. So it's not a major issue if it doesn't affect your bite? Still I feel it should be fixed..

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#17 Post by yaz »

Thanks for the advice guys! :) I guess you're right.. I'm just being a bit paranoid.

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#18 Post by Wired1 »

Hi Yaz!

Not being paranoid, just actively involved... you cannot assume that they're going to catch everything.

For example, I went to my ortho, had my wires taken out so I could get a thorough cleaning at the dentist. Went to the dentist, got x-rayed, cleaned, examined, a tooth filled and went back to the ortho for the wires to be replaced. It was only then --after at least five other professionals had seen my teeth in three hours -- that my favorite ortho tech found that I had an abcess. Admittedly, it was small, but gee whiz...

So ask questions, require the answers to be understandable -- have them draw pictures or whatever it takes. It's your mouth, your body, your life (and you mum's bucks :lol: )

BTW, I have brackets on all my molars and everything is getting moved, so there is no one right answer.

In the motto of my days: QUESTION AUTHORITY!
Class 2, Division 2
Expander 10/05-8/06
SARPE 11/05
Metal self ligating braces installed 11/05


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#19 Post by darkjeans5 »

Hi Yaz!! I'm a new member to this website but not to braces. My name is Stephanie and I'm 19 years old. I've had them on for 11 months and actually do the same thing you do, it's completely normal. Well adleast I've been telling myself that so I don't go crazy. I don't know how to post pictures on the website so I cant show you my problem exactly but I have something similar. Certain little holes here and there and some teeth taller than the other..as I'm reading other peoples advise the best one seems to be to talk to the othodontist about it. I definatly am when I go Nov 27! Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope everything is well with you. Don't worry they'll be off soon and no one will be able to stop you from flashing your gorgeous smile! :D

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#20 Post by yaz »

Hey Steph :) So are you due to get your braces off too? Aw, I wish you could post pics, it would be interesting to see. Usually what people do is either get a photobucket account www.photobucket.com or an imageshack account. I use photobucket. You upload your photos there and then post the tag here.

Well I had my appointment yesterday where my braces were going to come off, but because i showed him pics and everything, they didn't. He said he'd like to push the front teeth down and also changed a few brackets and gave me elastics, which i have to wear in a triangle to perfect my bite more. He said it would hurt and hell yea it does. I took 2 Panadols, my whole jaw aches. It sucks :( And he said it was going to be in Feb or March that I get them off. :( But I wonder if I didn't point anything out, would've he taken them off? Hmmm.

Also my Mum thought he was a bit angry when he spoke to her to explain and stuff. He said he wasn't the usual pleasant self. She told me that maybe he thought she put me up to this. But all I did was point out concerns..

So another 4 months in these things for me. Gahhhhhhhhhh. :(

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#21 Post by darkjeans5 »

Hi Yaz! Yeah I'm supposed to get them off soon well thats what my orthodontist said when i saw her last November 3rd. Now that you said that I'm scared to tell my orthodontist but I know i wont get them off until im 100 % satisfied and you should too! I had to do what you are doing last month and still now but only at night..my mouth is literally wired shut at night its horrible its such a relief to open my mouth as wide as i can in the morning! :D Well it seems we have a lot of braces troubles in common lol kit.

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#22 Post by yaz »

Haha yea seems like it. Yea today I woke up in the middle of the night cause my jaw ached so much and I can't open my mouth properly either. The thing is I haven't told him about the second molars..yet. I'm so scared haha, but I will next time. It's just he's always in a hurry.

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#23 Post by darkjeans5 »

yeah i have a friend who just recently just got her top brackets off because she had a molar problem in her bottom teeth so shes half free maybe that will happen for you too!

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