In the hiding..

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In the hiding..

#1 Post by darkjeans5 »

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I'm 19 years old. Well not only did my parents not have the money to pay for my braces I didnt want them! I was so embarrased of getting braces in high school. When I graduated High school I was able to get braces with my insurance paying for it and me just paying 5 dollars as my co-pay. That lasted until i turned 19 in June and my insurance ended now i pay for my braces which is not so bad I just cant shop anymore. Not that big of deal, im over it. Since getting my braces, I have been in hiding from my friends from high school. I avoid anyone that I see at college that went to my high school and I just give the closed mouth smile. Its just awful for some reason I am so embarassed of them. I go to work fine and even hang out with new friends but I just know that I will be teased and I dont know how I would confront that. My confidence has grown a little bit in 11 months as I confronted 2 people in high school and admitted to me wearing braces and it was such a relief. I love my braces they have changed me completely. I only wish I had enough confidence in them..please help with anything that you have done..being an adult with braces is hard..HELP!! :)

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#2 Post by bip »

I'm sure other old women here will agree with me when i say that someday you'll wonder why you cared so much what they (your high school friends) thought in the first place! :wink: Be happy and be proud you are doing something good for yourself and in the long term, your health. Many things as an adult will be much harder than braces. Count them as one of your blessings!

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Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:55 am
Location: New Jersey

#3 Post by darkjeans5 »

Okay i think i made this worse than you guys i still talk to people and reading these posts you guys made me realize that im not hiding from these people because of my braces im hiding because i dont want to see them anyway. Thanks for everyone who took their time to read this and put give their wonderful advice. It is greatly appreciated.

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