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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:31 pm
Location: Brisbane, Australia


#1 Post by fodder »

hey peeps
just had braces on first time about 4 hours ago. Feels strange, almost as if my teeth were being tugged more or less all the time.
I'm 38 and my teeth have been a nightmare since I can remember having any. This year I had 5 extractions - mostly guys at the back of my gob - and only one of those was for this brace treatment. Ortho said I'd lose my front babies as well unless they were pulled back into line. So here I am.
Apart from anything else, one benefit is that I decided to stop smoking in order to pay for the braces, since it seemed as if I'd be replacing one oral habit with another. Not quite the same it has to be said but at least my teeth arent brown any more.

They are red and steel instead.


Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:31 pm
Location: Brisbane, Australia

#2 Post by fodder »

well thanks KK for that nice welcome

lip balm good idea

had to floss last night, jeez what a joke. I quit after two teeth and 30 minutes.
gotta get my mind right

gonna splash out on an electric toothbrush as i don't trust my own stamina

read your story kiwi and saw your pics how are things with you now m8?


Brace Face
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

#3 Post by Brace Face »

Welcome Fodder! You'll find heaps of information on this board! :D

I also splashed out on an electric toothbrush as I read they're much better at removing debris(!) from the braces etc... (I'm yet to be braced). So far, it has been money well spent.


Tracy :D

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#4 Post by lionfish »

G'day, fodder, you're flusing out all the Australians on the board.

Learning how to floss....ah yes, how many strands of Superfloss ended up in my dirt bin absolutely shredded? Plenty! I used to use one per arch, now I use one for both arches. It can be mastered, that's the good news.

I'll be up in your neck of the woods in 2 weeks time (Townsville, actually) off on a scuba trip. I love Queensland with its lovely warm water....

Take care and hope to hear more.

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Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2006 1:04 pm
Location: Sydney

#5 Post by jodie »

Hey all you aussies......

Congrats on your braces. I am 28 and have mine put on Friday. I am so nervous. I have wanted to do this for years and finally had the courage to do so. I have told a few people about it. Keep us posted on how you are feeling. Jodie

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