stupid child, determined student=)

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stupid child, determined student=)

#1 Post by hedonism »

hello everyone!

i've been reading this forum for almost a year, that is how much conviction i actually needed to get this thing started :wink:

well i should maybe not be posting yet, as i haven't been to the ortho yet, but what the heck, i have to start somewhere... :roll:

anyway, i'm 21 and i had a torturing device when i was like 8. they called it frankel... i swear i cried when i got it, the rest of the kids i knew had either braces either some retainer-like devices and they could just speak normally, which was always a priority to me. not to mention with that thing i looked like i ate a balloon, hehe. the worst part? should wear it 22 hours per day which basically meant ALL the time, except when eating... no way man!! after a year or so, my ortho wasn't pleased, coz i kept on wearing it during nights only... duuuuh! i would not even be caught by my parents in that thing. so i stopped going to that ortho, plus she was completely not nice and scary to me as a kid (i still think she hated me :lol: and she must have had, otherwise she would have given me braces or smth lol)

let's explain what my problem then was... i had a gap between my front teeth (i could stick my tongue through it), a very narrow upper arch (and lower maybe as well, i don't remember) and overbite/overjet, but this last wasn't that bad.

so when i was around 11 i told my parents i do want to get my teeth done properly (they were still pretty angry about my bad discipline with the 1st ortho) so they said fine and on my request sent me to the private ortho. we agreed though, that i pay 50% (and for no reason my pocket money increased for like 400% then, lol) i guess they wanted me to think i'm throwing money away this time if i decide not to cooperate, haha.

so back to the story, i got this retainer-like expander i think (was never completely informed about my treatment, the ortho turned the screws every 2 months i think)) which really helped, not to mention it was smth absolutely different than ugly frankel. i didn't wear it to school though. it was just too thick and i seriously couldn't talk normally ever, i guess i'm just hard to adjust to things in my mouth :oops:

the gap was gone in less than a year and i was thrilled. i think my arch widened a bit too, and my lower teeth were more than half-way showing when i put my jaws together (the uppers weren't covering them completely anymore). this kept on going for like 3 years and i became a stubborn teenager. i slightly cracked a retainer once and didn't dare to go back anymore. i glued it together :lol: and it worked... i was wearing it nights for like 2 more years. wouldn't even skip one, coz the next time it would be hard to get it on. then i think i had enough one day and i stopped. for some time i could still put it in, although it was tight. i always liked that pressure btw :wink:

i never completely liked my smile though. my teeth are aligned, they don't crowd at all and my wisdoms aren't out yet. but my arches are just so narrow!! i can never perfectly accept this. but still was never thinking about going back again. untill... few months ago i went to the random dentist, coz mine was on vacation. and she asked: have you ever considered to go to the ortho, coz yor bite could use some help. and since then i'm thinking of asking my own dentist (AND my parents). according to this one, my bite doesn't match (lower jaw is few mm to the left) which could cause later my teeth to get worn out! my teeth are 100% healthy, never had anything pulled out, i don't even have any fillings... and i certainly don't want my teeth to be gone when i'm 50 :wink:

in a week i'll ask my dentist for her opinion and ortho recommendation. i already AM decided. i wanna get this done. asap too. i'm 21!!! i could have had braces when i was 8!!

so i'll keep you updated, if anyone will be interested in my story, lol.

till then folks, i'll just keep on enjoying your stories! many of you make me really really REALLY laugh :D

so have fun all of you and good luck!
Last edited by hedonism on Fri Jan 12, 2007 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by jennielee81 »


Let us know what you do!
"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007 a little more about me here: ... 961130.htm

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#3 Post by Aquagirl910 »

I can't wait to hear your story!

Now in Hawley retainers 24/7 for a year!

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#4 Post by hedonism »

hi everyone!

thanks for the nice words :)

i am not at home yet (did not mention yet that i'm right now on exchange) but i'm slowly packing my stuff and at the end of the week i'll be home where my dentist is already waiting for me. thank god mother made an appointment :wink:

so till then basically nothing new considering my teeth, but i will get into action once it starts... and yeah, i was talking to some random people about my teeth lately and it's really nothing obvious that makes my teeth not perfect so some were wondering why... but i don't really care, as long as i know what i want and more important, as long as i know it is doable, i'll go for it. i told you before my teeth are aligned and nothing (visible) is terribly wrong, but my teeth are for life and that is worth the journey i'm getting myself into...

so let's hope i'll have good news soon :D i'm not an optimist, but i AM a realist so my expectations are not flying that high. random dentist from time to time? definitely a good idea :wink:

enjoy the hollidays everybody... will be back with my story, no matter how it continues...


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#5 Post by hedonism »

hi people!

so during the x-mas spirit and other euphoric feelings everywhere, i packed my things, went home, spent nice holidays with my family and my dear bf... and went to the dentist!! she agreed that my bite needs some correction and gave me a recommendation for the ortho. in fact, she gave 2, but really really really emphasized one :)

the thing is i went back to where i was exchanging for a month to enjoy some (earned!) break and spend some more time with my dearest, but in the end it comes in handy, coz they guy my dentist recommended so much, is temporarily unavailable, due to his holiday, too. so when i come home, i can directly call and make an appointment. well either way, i will visit at least 3 orthos, coz i had such a bad experience in the past, eventhough i have to pay for each of them... i'll decide strictly on the basis of my opinion and comfort.

my dentist said i'll probably need treatment on both, upper and lower jaw, but it of course depends on the ortho, what kind of treatment. anyway i believe her, because the bite problems are usually caused from the relation between both jaws, so i won't fight here.

another thing, for few years now, whenever i'd be thinking about getting this done, i was 100% sure, i'd go for clear braces. but now, thanks to this site, i want metal at the bottom, can you believe i'm actually thinking about getting it on my uppers as well?? :D well we'll see, as i'll most probably chicken out in the end... lol

ok, have to go now, my dear had his wisdom tooth removed yesterday and needs to be spoiled a little :wink: he also had braces like 10 years ago when he was in high school, but now his lowers are completely crooked, so he's seriously thinking about braces. what he doesn't know is, that i am as well. i didn't tell him on purpose, coz we won't see each other from feb to the end of april, so might be a cool surprise... guess he'll find out, why i was so supportive about him getting braces for the 2nd time :roll:

lots of joy and succes in the years to come for everybody!!


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#6 Post by platinum »


here is as well one stupid child, now determined :D

My crossbite was fixed when i was 11 with eleastics, without braves. Then I was give an activator. I was supposed to weyr it at nights. It was awful and I did not wear it. So, I was suggested to have braces. I dod not want them, so my treatment was discontinued.

Well, now bite is gotten worse and I am starting my treatment soon.

Good luck with your treatment!!!

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#7 Post by hedonism »

hey everybody!

i am soooo sorry i wasn't around much lately, but i had a lot of new things going on in my life, some health problems etc... no need to complain though.

everything is fine, my dear was just visiting me for 6 (!!!) weeks so that's also a part of the reason for the lack of time :wink:

well but what you all wanna hear, i made an appointment!! 8th of june at 7.15 i'll be the 1st patient in my ortho's office :D i finally made that call and i'm so happy i did. the ortho lives close to me which is definitely a big plus and i also got a recommendation from a friend... we'll see though. i decided i'll stick with her if i like the office, the attitude and so on. if i feel just the slightest sign of discomfort (or i disagree about the treatment) i'll go for a second opinion.

that's it from now, i hope soon i'll come back with some more news... btw, KK, congrats on moderating :) if i wasn't posting anything, it doesn't mean i didn't peak here from time to time :wink:

cheers to everybody and more luck from me!! XxX

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#8 Post by hedonism »

first of all, kiwi, thanks for the nice words :wink:

and now to the appointment... i don't know what to think actually. i came there 15min late :oops: eventhough i live 5min away, but i managed to get lost :D ok so i sat on the chair, she saw immediately that i must have had some ortho work done on my teeth before even though i have no clue how :?: she checked my bite few times, said some 'mmmm's and aaaaaaah's and she said she'd reschedule me to come back once next year, because she doesn't see my wisdom teeth coming out yet... that really surprised me, because as far as i know there's no guarantee i'll ever get them? or why would they come out in this one next year?? (i'm 21, approaching 22) so i honestly think it's a waste of time to wait... i'll go for another appointment (i decided right a way) and see what they have to say there (the other ortho i was choosing from)... so basically she then told me i'd need braces on both arches (if nothing changes in a year) and most probably some expander for both jaws... exactly what i thought actually.

so i have mixed feelings, i guess i get that she doesn't wanna start a treatment where things can just go worse if in the middle my wisdoms decide to come out. but on the other hand... i just want to get it over with :?

any advice for me? thanks to you all and will be here soon!! X

ps: my second 'first' consultation will be next thursday...

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