time whizzes by! (Quick update)

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time whizzes by! (Quick update)

#1 Post by MommaDucky »

Hi there everyone, My name is Katherine and I'm brand new to the message board here! I'm a 20-something stay at home mom-- I have a wonderful supportive husband, a gorgeous and funny step-daughter, and a beautiful new son who is almost 6 months old! (Wow, he's growing so fast!)

My orthodontic history is quite limited, although my teeth have been very misaligned for most of my life. I was led to believe throughout my childhood that my crooked teeth were completely my fault, because I had sucked my thumb as a young girl. However, one visit to the orthodontist squashed these fears; my jaw was simply too small to house my teeth.

My journey began with oral surgery to start. I was fairly sure that I would carry on with braces someday, but since most of the issues with my teeth included crowding, I figured I could get a few teeth out, then wait a while to see what happened if my teeth were left to their own devices. I had three bicuspids removed on my birthday, March 6th of 2007.

After some healing time, I learned quickly that none of my teeth were really going to move much at all on their own... fortunately, I hadn't really expected them to. So, I made my appointments: The spacers went in on May 21st, 2007. After a few days of suffering with those obnoxious little rubber bands, I became accustomed to them, and by the time I hardly noticed them anymore, it was already time to take them out and get the braces!

I opted for ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom. The appointment was not bad, mostly because I really like my orthodontist. The glue tasted foul and made me gag. Nonetheless, I survived, and now I've got a shiny new smile!

I took pictures of my teeth, mouth, and smiling face before and after on the day I had the braces on (May 31st, 2007), and took another round of photos today just after my first adjustment (June 25th, 2007.)

I never really looked forward to how I would look with braces, but I have always wanted to get them. I'm very proud of myself for finally biting the bullet and just going for it! I look forward to getting them off someday in two years or less, and I will be able to enjoy my new beautiful smile for the rest of my life!

Here's the plan right now:

1. I've had three teeth out so far; two matching bicuspids on bottom and one bicuspid on the top left. I will be getting the reciprocal bicuspid out on the top right sometime soon.

2. All of my wisdom teeth are still impacted, but they need to come out. If left alone they will never come out of the gums, as they are tilted pointing forward. I will need to have all four of them sectioned and extracted, but I won't be able to do this for a little while as I am still nursing my almost-six-month-old son. With the extraction of impacted wisdoms usually comes the use of narcotic painkillers, something that isn't very friendly with breast milk.

3. I'm not sure exactly how long I will have to be wearing the braces, but when I asked my ortho whether it would be more than two years, he said he didn't think so. I also requested that I come in for adjustments every three weeks as opposed to every four, in hopes of shaving a bit of time off the total treatment, and he was obliging. My doc also promised that when the time is right, he will send me home with my very own little wrench, so that I may tighten up my braces at home. :)

4. Sometime throughout this process, (whether while wearing braces or after they come off, I don't know) I plan on doing some dental re-shaping. I will have a few of my teeth re-shaped and perhaps some of the gums as well. Once the braces are off and everything is said and done, I will do some whitening treatments, and I should be totally set with my new beautiful pearly-whites!

For now, I must try to survive the incessant urge to saw my jaw off of my head...

BEFORE: (May 31st, 2007)

notice the major crowding and slanting on the lowers, and the huge misalignment of the canine on the top left. (right in the picture)

My smile before braces!

AFTER: (May 31st 2007)

A new look... (by the way, that is excess glue around the braces, not plaque. I brush my teeth very well!)

with my mouth open -- see how crooked they are?! I can't wait until they start to change!

I'm excited!!!

FIRST ADJUSTMENT (June 25th, 2007)

a new Nitanol wire on top.

brand new power chains connecting the eye teeth on bottom to the molars - this is to start closing those gaps.


the uppers (you can see which tooth was extracted in this photo)

the lowers

my open mouth again

still smiling (even though those powerchains are killer!)

So, I've still got a long way to go. But, I am totally excited to finally be doing this! To all of you out there who are going through having braces as an adult -- kudos!! I plan on taking photos every single time I go into the orthodontist. I want to keep close tabs on my progress. Hopefully I'll start to see some changes soon. My next appointment is set for July 16th, so for those of you who might possibly be interested in following my story, you can expect an update around then!
Last edited by MommaDucky on Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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#2 Post by Samantha19 »

Hi there,

Good luck with your journey. I know there are times where you wonder why the heck you did it but in the end it is well worth it.

I am almost at the end and I am happy with the results.

P.S: Whatever you do to keep your teeth so white let me know! My teeth are pretty white but I want them to be whiter. I am going to get them whitend when the braces come off.

Tooth-Colored Brackets and a white wire for 8 months.

Braces are off! Retainer coming soon

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#3 Post by jamie315 »

Hey Katherine,
congrats on starting your journey, im sure from where you are starting that once you see alot of movement you will be amazed. To me it seemed that the first month or so you didnt see to much, and then one day, boom, you look in the mirror and its like holy crap, look much my teeth have moved, when thah happens you will be as excited as I was, and the better they look, the pickier you get lol, just you wait. Well again I just want to congratulate you on your decision and wish you goodluck on your journey, cant wait to follow your progress.

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#4 Post by jennielee81 »

Congratulations on getting things started, Katherine!!

I will definately be watching for updates. Your progress is going to be stunning!

I can already see a big difference in that left canine, your wire is more level already!

Your attitude is fantastic; this is going to be an exciting journey for you.

"Life is an occasion; RISE TO IT!" --Mr. Magorium
I wore Damon 3's and Opals for 20 months at age 42. Braces off January 2007
http://www.archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=3535 a little more about me here: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/co ... 961130.htm

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#5 Post by MommaDucky »

Hello, hello!

I haven't updated on this forum at all since I first joined the site, I just continue updating my story in the "our braces stories" section. I just wanted to do a quick update here, for those of you who care --

I've been wearing my braces now for 4 and a half months. The progress I've seen since those first photos were posted is absolutely incredible!! If any of you are interested, please stop by my blog and check out the photos! I certainly do my best to respond to everybody that posts, as well as checking out all your stories as well!

Hope everyone is doing wonderfully. Take care!

see my braces story here:



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