Hello from Vancouver, Canada

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Hello from Vancouver, Canada

#1 Post by Sistermadly »


I'm Skeskali, a 38 year old female in Vancouver, Canada. I've just finished my final ortho consultation and will have braces put on in the next few weeks. I have to correct an open bite, crossbite, and spacing between my lower front teeth. According to my dentist (who is also my orthodontist), I'll be in braces for at least 24-36 months.

I never had braces growing up because my parents couldn't afford them -- common story, no? Now I'm taking a positive step toward improving my appearance. It'll be slow and awkward, but I'm ready.

I'm glad to have found this site and look forward to contributing to discussions.

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#2 Post by Sistermadly »

Wow - thanks for the great advice, KK - I'm going to print it out and put it in my journal for safe keeping!

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#3 Post by joney »

Hi Skeskali, welcome to archwired. I am 42 and I also have an openbite. You'll be amazed by the way your teeth move, I know I have been.

Good luck
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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#4 Post by Sistermadly »

Hi Joney,

Thanks for the welcome. I'm actually looking forward to the changes I'll undergo over the next few years. I don't know if that's weird, but I'm kind of excited about what's to come.

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#5 Post by joney »

I don't know if that's weird, but I'm kind of excited about what's to come.
I feel that it is only weird to people with straight teeth. Others with braces understand the excitement. I know I was very excited when my hidden incisor on my bottom arch was finally part of the arch instead of being hidden away. Straight or relatively straight teeth, are something that most people take for granted but archwired friends are happy to share each others milestones.

The amazing thing too is that (for me at least) the whole process had been easy. The fact that my teeth, that have been crooked for 42 years could be straightened up in such a short period of time, without much fuss, and that basically bones are being moved about by bits of metal, is fantastic.
2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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Location: Vancouver, Canada

#6 Post by Sistermadly »

Hi Ken, thanks for the welcome! I stumbled across some of your progress photos and was really impressed with the progress your teeth have made so far. You must be thrilled!

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#7 Post by Sistermadly »

I have my b-day! July 25 is the day that this saga begins. Until then I'm eating as many apples, as much corn on the cob, and as many almonds as I can until I get sick of them. My appointment is at 9:00 am, so I won't be able to eat a final "favorite lunch" before the braces go on. I guess I'll have to think of a final breakfast instead. I'm thinking Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal might be the order of the day.

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#8 Post by Sistermadly »

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 my journey begins. I've spent the last month eating (and thoroughly enjoying) foods that I know will be difficult if not impossible to eat over the next two years.

Now that I'm so close to having my braces put on, I'm feeling really apprehensive. I've been wanting to cut my hair really short for the last couple of years (I have dreadlocks that go halfway down my back), but now that I'll have the braces on, I'm worried that I won't be as attractive with short hair and a mouth full of metal. I'm worried about kissing. I'm worried about staying in my present job (which I hate) for the next two years just so I can keep to the dental plan. In short, I'm just flat out worried about what the next two years will bring. I know no one can predict the future, but this is a big deal to me, and I just wish I could have some sign that everything's going to be all right.

I'll be going in to work directly from my appointment tomorrow (going to ask about PINK ligatures to start) and will be able to post a photo shortly thereafter.

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#9 Post by Caroline »

Best of luck to you tomorrow, sistermadly!!
Top braced January 7, 2005
Bottom braced February 4, 2005
Tops off July 10, 2006!!!
Bottoms off August 15, 2006!!!

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#10 Post by cwatt1 »

Hi SisterM! A belated welcome to the forum! I hope everything goes smoothly for you tomorrow.

It's natural to feel apprehension and mixed feelings about getting braces, especially as an adult, but I hope you sense some excitement about your future health as well! You're doing something wonderful for yourself! And most people aren't going to care that you have braces, either.
As far as kissing is concerned, you might want to check out "Braces in the bedroom" under "Popular Braces Topics" on the home page. For me, and it seems for most, kissing isn't really a problem although you might want to go a little slower the first month or so until you're used to your braces.

As far as your job is concerned, sorry that's a sore point with you. But if you're interested in pursuing other employment you might want to check on the coverage of a prospective new employer -- possibly orthodontic coverage might be offered to you even though you started it before you joined the new employer. At least at my company reimbursement for orthodontic treatment happens ongoing rather than all up front. Just a thought.

Best of luck tomorrow :!:


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Location: Vancouver, Canada

#11 Post by Sistermadly »

Well... they're on. :)

This morning was quite an ordeal. I've been undergoing quite a bit of dental work over the last few years (wisdom teeth, extractions, fillings, etc.) and while those were uncomfortable, at least I had the benefit of an anaesthetic!

Because I have full lips, the ortho assistant had a difficult time putting brackets on my back teeth and on a couple near the front of my mouth. While she and the orthodontist were both as gentle as they possibly could be (and because they kept me entertained with jokes) the time passed... but not as quickly as I would have wished. Originally they thought it would only take an hour from start to finish, but instead it took nearly two hours.

After the brackets went on -- but before the archwire -- I thought to myself "Hey, this doesn't feel half bad!" I should have realized I spoke too soon - as soon as the wires were tightened I thought "Oh, so THAT'S what it feels like to wear braces!" I'm a little uncomfortable, but I'm not in a great deal of pain. One of the hooks for the elastics has been poking the inside of my bottom lip all day, and I'm already starting to get a small canker sore. I think orthodontic wax will become my best friend.

When I asked the technician about colored ligatures, she gave me a card (it looked like an artist's palette) that had samples of all the ligatures they had available. I was concerned that the bright colors would be garish against my teeth, so I settled for metallic gold. It wasn't until she put the first o-ring on that she said "Oh, no - they're never as noticeable once they go on as they are on the sample card!" The gold is barely noticeable against my teeth (stained from years of diet Coke drinking). I think I'll choose a different color at my next adjustment.

I'm a little tired now -- and HUNGRY -- so I'll close here. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes.

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#12 Post by cwatt1 »

Congratulations Skeskali! A big day for you. It sounds like your ortho and staff are pretty good people, and that's going to serve you well during your journey.

You're right to make liberal use of the wax. Also try and remember to keep plenty of water on hand -- drinking frequently to keep yourself hydrated helps keep the braces from sticking to your mouth. You'll find your braces less irritating, especially during the first few days while your mouth, cheeks, and lips are adjusting to them. Don't forget the frequent use of salt water rinses! I've been braced for two weeks now and I still make it a point to rinse with salt water at least 2-3 times a day. I did it even more frequently during my first week and found the rinses were a great help in soothing areas where my cheeks and lips got pinched.

Take good care, and here's to wonderful progress for you :!:


Click here to read about my progress.

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#13 Post by rhonda30 »

Do you feel like a ortho veteran yet? How are you doing with the new mouth jewelry. Several others have mentioned it but in a couple of days you will almost forget you have them on.

Hopefully your ortho journey will be quick and uneventful. Keep us posted and looking forward to watching your progress.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

#14 Post by Sistermadly »

I don't feel like a veteran quite yet. I've had to result to putting wax on my two front teeth overnight, because if I don't my lips will stick to my front teeth and will be extremely painful in the morning.

I'm pretty grumpy and sad these days - I'm finding it hard to chew, which means I'm hungry all the time. I don't know about you guys, but I actually feel less full when I have to swallow food nearly whole instead of chewing and swallowing.

I know this is just a stage I'll have to go through, but for the sake of everyone who cares about me I hope it passes soon. I'm sure they're all tired of my whining. :lol:

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