Hello Newbie - Am Thinking of getting braces not 100 % sure

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Hello Newbie - Am Thinking of getting braces not 100 % sure

#1 Post by vixi »

Hi Everyone

I am a dentist phobic and have avoided going for years !

But it is something I want to overcome , so I went to the dentist and had a check up , and luckily my teeth are fine no filings , so very lucky for someone who has never been in a long time .

I should have had a brace when I was younger , but didn't and of course now regret it.

So the work that I need done to my teeth is purly cosmetic
But the dentist is saying i will probably need 4 teeth removed to make room .
But am waiting for my appointment with the orthodontist.

What is really worrying me is the extractions, I have not had teeth removed since I was a kid and that was under gas.
I am having sedation this time

Can anyone please tell me how long before the braces are fitted after extraction ?

And any encoureging words please my teeth realy bother me and I really want to get them straight , but am very afraid of the whole thing

Thank you

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Hi Vixi

#2 Post by mary. »

I'm in the same situation. I have however finally scheduled the appointment to get braces. I should have done this 20+ years ago. I am so excited that I've made this decision. I had my Ortho visit a week ago and he told me that they would put the braces on first then the tooth extraction later. We think that I'll have to have two removed to make room.

Regretfully, I have had to have a tooth removed a year ago, back tooth. I had one that broke and it was down too far to be repaired then got seriously infected. The extration really went smoothly. They told me that mine went quick but still it was no problem at all. I was shocked actually that it was so easy. I kept a gauze bandage over the area for a day or so. There was a little bit of bleeding, but no biggie at all.

I too have a huge phobia, and in fact have either fainted or nearly fainted in all medical offices: dentist, doctor, hospitals, optometrist (that was downright embarassing haha) and even blood donor clinic. The sight of a wound or needle being inserted, even a discussion about an operation is enough for me to get dizzy and break out into a cold sweat. So, if I made it through an extraction with no issues, trust me you can too. Don't worry about, it need not be a barrier to your decision.

I also want to tell you that my appointment at the Orthodentist was one of the smoothest and easiest appointments that I've been too. It's one of the few times where I didn't feel queasy at all. They made it so pleasant. I think that you'll have a great appointment too. I hope you decide to do it.
September 17th is b-day for me! I'm totally ready for it.

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#3 Post by cwatt1 »

Hi Vixi, and welcome! I can't add much to the excellent advice given by Karen and Mary, except to suggest that you spend as much time as you can reading the great info on this forum; it will certainly help you become better informed. I think you will also be heartened by the progress and great attitudes of most of the posters here at AW. Many of us were not as diligent in the past about our dental care as we should have been, for a variety of reasons -- among which were a fear of dental exams. But I hope you can sense our excitement as we follow our own progress and improvement in our oral health!

Feel free to post if you want to discuss anything further. We're pleased that you've come here, and we want to help :!:


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#4 Post by PARR »

the best investment you can make is in your own health and appearance. Feel good about your decision to make improvements, understand that new technologies and methods have made orthodontics much less "troublesome" although there is obviously still some "trauma". Seek advice from experts get several opinions, weigh your options and do it for YOU!

Ibuprophen is a great pain med...take before the extractions and ask your dental surgeon what is suggested for post extraction discomfort. I had four wisdom teeth out and really didn't have any problems.

good luck

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#5 Post by RakudaErin »

If general extractions are anything like wisdom tooth extractions (and I don't see why they wouldn't be... but then, what do I know?), then they really aren't that bad.

I had a wisdom tooth taken out without anything, novacaine, gas, etc., and I would describe the experience as "unpleasant and definitely not fun." As long as you don't go to a free clinic, you should be fine.

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#6 Post by vixi »

Hi Everyone
Thank you for the reply's

I have had my first deep clean on the bottom teeth and have to go back to have the top done
It was probably the worst experience I have had, but not unbearable.

Once the tops done it's a case of just waiting for the orthodentist to contact me for my first appointment.

Then go on from there. I really want to get thing's moving now

The only thing that worries me about the braces is I hate metal scrapping against my teeth , especialy knives and forks hit them whilst eating, which is why i did not fair well with the cleaning.

I am worried about the metal braces actualy being put on , is there loads of scraping and metal being hooked round teeth involved ?

V :lol:

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#7 Post by onny »

DONT let 4 teeth extracted unless you have asked atleast 2 other orthodontist, there are so many unskilled orthos that prefer to extract teeth instead of doing a proper treatment (which takes longer time) but remains you natural teeth. If its wisdom teeth then dont care, theyr useless, but front teeth which are healthy, should under no circumstance be extracted. 90% of the extractions are just dont by .. sorry "idiot docs"

I hope u ask another ortho doc and listen to my tip, you could be very happy in the end.
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
Nov08/2006 was B-day!
36 month top and bottom metal. All 8 molars banded now. Bioprogressive technic and HG some day.
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Hi Vixi - you are not alone

#8 Post by dbtrini »

I too am a recovering Dentalphobe (is that a word??)

I had a serious case of Dentalphobia for many many years. Even hearing the word Dentist would make my palms sweaty and my heart beat fast. I finally managed to overcome it with the help of my dentist - very gentle fellow. I started with a teeth cleaning and then step by step - I had two cavities filled - on separate days. I worked up my courage to go for an orthodontic consultation. I Had to have 4 wisdom teeth removed (under sedation) plus 1 in my lower jaw -very crowded teeth. I was very apprehensive but the surgery was fine and recovery was uncomfortable but not painful.

I got my braces two weeks ago and I can honestly say that I am no longer afraid of the dentist. Its such a liberating feeling. I am very proud of myself - I have come a long way. And I know that if I could do it - you can do it as well.

I am looking forward to the day that I have a smile that I will be proud of.

Just Do It - it will be fine. :)

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#9 Post by vixi »

o that's brill dbtrini
You should be really proud of yourself.
It sounds like I am taking the same journey

Started with the cleaning , now waiting for the appointment

I do not know for definiate if I will have to have teeth removed this is only what my dentist has said , but i will know once I have spoken to the Ortho.

Unfortunatly I cannot get more than 1 opinion as the consultation is £64 a go .

But you can bet I will be pushing for any option that does not include extraction unless I have to

But I have a very small jaw and in all honesty i think that there is no room for all my teeth to move back i think my overbite is to big

O I hate my teeth and just want to get things moving

Thanks for all your reply's and encouregment :lol:

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#10 Post by onny »

64 pounds for a single look from an ortho which takes 1 minute ? Are you sure? I suggest phoning some orthos and asking for that specific question and if they would look that up in your mouth for free or some pounds a max.
expansions are a good way in some cases to not get teeth extracted, but as we all know sometimes its really neccessary. But ask some other first pls ;)
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
Nov08/2006 was B-day!
36 month top and bottom metal. All 8 molars banded now. Bioprogressive technic and HG some day.
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#11 Post by onny »

OK sorry :) We have ruled prices for docs in germany which they cant decide freely, just in a very small border, a first talk at an ortho cost 9-11 Euro for 20 minutes. I dont remember the exact price, but i had to pay it to at SOME orthos. (some did it for free, which is allowed ofc) And cos my mom worked at a dentist once, I had such a cost catalogue in my hand which was written from German national eh rule makers.. dunno but something that has todo with laws and government.

The question is, does 64 pounds reflect such an information talk price from the uk price list, or is it a free decidable price of docs ?

And anyway, 64 pounds more for being sure the extractions are ok or probably not really needed is WELL worth the money!!
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
Nov08/2006 was B-day!
36 month top and bottom metal. All 8 molars banded now. Bioprogressive technic and HG some day.
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#12 Post by loulou123 »

hey another recovered (ish lol) dental phobic here

I avoided going to the dentists for msny years as a teenager as i was so terrified of them, unfort tooth ache drove me there in the end, and i needed an embarrassing amount of work doing to my teeth :oops:

i used to be so bad i had to have someone come with me to appointments or i just couldnt get in the door, but after an unfortunate and rather nasty infection in my jaw bone, i figured normal dentists stuff was nothing anymore.

now im 14months into braces and waiting for double jaw surgery, the whole ortho experiance is nowhere near as bad in my opinion as fillings and the such like.

Congratulations to you and all the other ex dental phobes in helping themselfs to get over this, as its really hard, i know.

good luck with your ortho search, try and find one your happy with and explain your fears.


Braces on 11th June 2006,~ BSSO and Wisdom tooth removal 11th February 2008,~ Plate Removal 14th May 2008,~ Braces off 28th August 2008.


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#13 Post by vixi »

Thanks for all the replys
I have called another 3 ortho's and I don't think I will complain about the cost of mine

The first one was £85.00 for the first consultation
2nd starts at £250.00
So my £65 does not seem to bad in comparison

I really cannot afford to get more than one but I will definitly be mentioning expanding and the fact that I would rather not have teeth removed unless absoulutly need to.
Onny I think I may have to come to Germany sounds far cheaper
Well done loulou it is hard ,which is one of the reason I did not have it done when I was a teen, was fear of the dentist


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#14 Post by onny »

For the whole treatment its not cheaper, we all here pay alot too ;)
Sep03/2007 6th adjustment.
Nov08/2006 was B-day!
36 month top and bottom metal. All 8 molars banded now. Bioprogressive technic and HG some day.
My Braces Journey Blog.

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