Can I just say I LOVE my braces!!!!

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Can I just say I LOVE my braces!!!!

#1 Post by tipstar »

I know this may sound weird but I love my stinking braces( that means good in my book) :heart: . I know some ppl say "oh they are a pain in the booty cheek but I do love mine. I mean even flossing is getting better. I was gaging my self at first but now I go to work on those gums :lol: (I need to figure out how to get a photo up here.

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#2 Post by KateG »

I wouldn't say I love mine but I really like what they're doing to my teeth. :HugeGrin:

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#3 Post by MsTiaLia »

I usually don't love my braces, but the other day I was in my favorite little grocery store and I asked a man in the produce section for help with something. As he was walking away, he stopped to say, "your braces make your face look cute!" Yeah, in that moment, I kinda loved my braces :lol:

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#4 Post by tipstar »

Yeah ppl that I speak with on a daily are just waiting for me to say "oh I hate these things" but I can't I love them b/c I am getting so much out of them like my ugly little tooth that was being all grown and doing his own thing is getting his behind in line with his friends and so far I have lost 20 pounds who wouldn't love that. :lol:

Ms.TiaLia I am in Raleigh also (Old Wake Forest rd) so glad to see some on in my neck of the woods on here. :D

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#5 Post by MsTiaLia »

Hey Tipstar! It is just about amazing to see somebody on here in my backyard. I'm just inside the beltline off of 70/401! Good to see you!

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#6 Post by markuhde »

Yeah, I'm totally loving mine too! I just had my first adjustment today. They're great.

That's why I kinda disappeared from this website - not too much braces love to be found around here unfortunately.

I will post pics of my first adjustment in my thread eventually :)

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#7 Post by markuhde »

I just meant that it seems like there's plenty of complaining to go around on here LOL. Lots of horror stories. Not too many people really enjoying their braces and having a blast with them. I think they're fun :)

It's not a bad thing, it just means I don't really fit. I'm liking them, not having any problems or anything. I'm glad I don't fit :)

Plus a certain member of this site who I won't name was very hostile towards me a few times so that put me off saying much!

The adjustment went well, still no piccies. I did pink ligs again. I didn't feel like a change yet. I regret it, I should have got turquoise and blue ones. I was split at the time and I didn't want something I was gonna regret. Next time though! And that adjustment will be right before a camp I'm working at! Yay!

I do wish my ortho had more ligs. The other member of this site who has the same ortho also wishes our ortho had more lig choices (I suspected she did so I PM'd her and she confirmed it. I'm not saying who just in case she doesn't want the town she's in or her ortho known. I noticed that she was in the same general region and her ortho had given her the same exact stuff as mine and it turns out not only does she have the same one, but she got her bottom braces on literally right after I got my tops (she was the lady in the chair after me LOL).

Anyways, yeah, it's nothing bad :)

But seriously, braces are fun and I absolutely love how they feel when they're not hurting (they hurt maybe 5% of the time, the rest the pressure feels really nice I think).

Well, good day all :)

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#8 Post by markuhde »

At least from me you took love wrong, it's certainly not erotic love :) It's more like a friendship love. I know my braces, they're part of me, they're kinda comforting, they're helping me and I'm gonna miss them when they're gone. Yeah, I'm weird.

Nah, I'm not looking another site - more just that I thought I'd need a support group and I'm happily surprised that I don't at all. It's such a total non-issue in my life.

My friend who referred me to the ortho I'm going to and I got in a huge fight and we're not even speaking. That's an issue. That hurts. I've been in tears with that and crying out to God and trying to figure out what everything means.

Braces are like earrings or something. An accessory that makes you look better (long term by straightening your teeth and for now by hiding your ugly teeth and being able to have cool colors on them).

I'm so much *more* self-confident since getting my braces on. People see my braces, not my crooked weird teeth! It's so much fun! And I am a youth worker at church and a substitute teacher, it's a point of relation for the many teens going through braces LOL.

I wasn't trying to disrespect anyone here or anything. Just saying that braces have been nothing but a very positive experience for me so I've had nothing to come online and cry about :) :) :)

And yeah, it was just one person on this board who was really hostile towards me I felt, like every time she responded to a post of mine it felt like a personal attack. But I dunno, as you said it's all online so you can't totally tell :)

Just like my use of the word love you couldn't tell what I meant. Braces seem like a silly fetish to have. But my braces have been a good friend so far who have helped me straighten my teeth and gain self confidence and far from pain I *like* the feeling of tightness against my teeth.

I'll choose the turquoise and blue combo next time. I did hot pink ones again because i wasn't sure so I stuck with what I already liked. I'm regretting that already :) I like them but it was time for something different which I didn't get.

Which reminds me, I'm AMAZED how much the last ones had faded! The new ones seem so dark (they're the same color).



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#9 Post by markuhde »

Proof feelings are hard to get across online. I haven't named my braces (yet - now I want to! Maybe when I get the bottoms I'll name them both at the same time :) ).

And they're a shallow friend, not a meaningful one :) Just a friend who helps me out appearance wise and only asks I brush them and clean them well in exchange :)

I still gotta shoot pics of my adjustment and post it on here...

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#10 Post by PARR »

markuhde wrote:Yeah, I'm totally loving mine too! I just had my first adjustment today. They're great.

I understand what your saying. Can't disagree.

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#11 Post by HeyTeach »

OK so I've read through this, and I got the gist. Yeh, I'm happy I'm doing this, but wish I didn't have to or spend thousands above what my insurance covers. Maybe those are just the gripes of the 50 yr ole guy, Well sure it beats a heart transplant, but if I needed one of those I'm glad they're getting good at them too I guess. But I do intend to not be miserable because of braces. Much better to be miserable because of taxes or the state of the world.

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Hi Tipstar

#12 Post by mary. »

I just read your post as I'm new to the forum, and I wanted to say thanks! You're really an inspiration. Your positive attitude and outlook is amazing. I get my braces on in three weeks, and you've reminded me that I can choose how I think about them. I'm quite excited actually to finally be getting it done, and I know that my friends and family will be excited too.

Sorry that your tread seems to have taken a tangent - I hope my note makes it's way to you.

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Like maybe.....

#13 Post by dbtrini »

Hey Tipstar - love your attitude
I am two weeks into the Braces experience and its getting better but I won't say love. I am out of the uncomfortable/achy phase so its definitely an improvement. I haven't reached that love phase you're in.... but it certainly a different point of view. :)

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#14 Post by RakudaErin »

Me too! I love mine, too!

I got them three days ago, and every time I pass a mirror/car window/random shiny I have to stop and give myself a big grin so I can see them again.

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#15 Post by abilane78 »

I also love my braces. Mostly anyway. I do miss the foods I love, but I know that over time I'll be able to enjoy them again. I'm seeing progress quickly, so it's keeping me optimistic. I do admit, I'm grinning big shiney grins more often than I did before. I had a little mishap at the restaraunt the other night though. I went to school with our waitress and she had braces when we were in school. I was asking her for some tips and what was on the menu that I could have. Well, when she walked away I was feeling around with my tongue and found something, um stringy... Well, I picked at it with my nail and it was some sort of mystery food. Gee, how long was that there??? I also ask my husband all the time if I have bugs in my grill and give the psycho grin as I call it...

ahhh, it's just all so much fun. I guess I'll be sorta sad when it's over...

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