HAPPY BIRTHDAY, My Braces are 1 Year Old ! (PICS)

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, My Braces are 1 Year Old ! (PICS)

#1 Post by jamie315 »

Well, I can't believe it, my braces are officially one year old. A year ago my friends were telling me it was gonna go so fast, and that it would all be worth it, and I was like yeah right, well here we are, and I couldnt be happier. My decision I made is one of the best things I have ever done for myself, and I would tell anybody who is thinking about to do it. Plus, now that my teeth are looking so nice, alot of people are like, did you get your braces off, so thats a definate +. I had my adjustment last week, new wire top and bottom, and boy was it wore for a few days, but as always it disapated. My extraction gap is officially CLOSED, YAY. I had it pulled back in April, so it really didnt take to long at all, once it started it closed pretty fast. Im loving my top arch now, just some tweeking here and there left to be done, then hopefully soon he can file and shape them nicley. The bottoms what a change, they still have a ways to go, the gap has closed, but they still have to level out a good bit, but progress is progress, my ortho is great, I LOVE him lol. So another 6 months to a year and im done, boy 6 months would be great, but im sure it will be closer to 2 years, if they could come off in May I would be so happy, but ill leave that up to Dr. Benko. I was also told next appt im supposed to be starting elastics to fix my crossbite, fun, fun, lol. Well onto my pics.(P.S. I didnt take any before pics so I used my molds they had given me, just so you know how bad they were.)

In the beginning (August 31, 06)

1 Year Later (Aug 31, 07)

Uppers (Aug 06)

Uppers (Aug 07)

Lowers (Aug 06)

Extraction Day (April 07)

Lowers (Aug 07) Excuse the one purple lig, one popped off and all I had were extra from my lilacs, lol.

I just want to add that this year would not have been nearly as easy without this message board, you guys are all so wonderful, its great to have the support of people who know what you are going through. Especially when your feeling down on your mouth, or just when you need advice about something, so Thanks to everyone. :D

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#2 Post by chef »

I can only hope for results so good, wow! That is so awesome, bro.

Miss Smiley
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#3 Post by Miss Smiley »

Your teeth look so good! They look like they're ready for de-bonding!!!!!!! Also, the pink looks good!
Upper and lower 1st premolars extracted
Uppers braced 4/6/07 & Lowers braced 4/20/07
ceramic brackets and rectangular arch wires
Est. term: 30-36 months
De-banded: 3/04/09 w/ LBR and U&L Essix

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#4 Post by mary. »

What vast improvement! You must be so proud.

Thanks also for posting pics, it's encouraging to the rest of us as well.

I hope you've been able to celebrate your one year mark!!

SDFD TSchott
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#5 Post by SDFD TSchott »




Adjustment Sept 14th, 2018
Braces back on August 06, 2018
Braces off April 02, 2008

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#6 Post by dbtrini »

Wow - thanks for the pictures - you are an inspiration. Your teeth look great. I am just three weeks into this braces journey and I get a little discouraged at times. But now I can picture what my teeth might look like in a year and I can't wait. :D

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#7 Post by MissDiana »

jamie, your teeth look FANTASTIC! Congratulations, you've really had amazing progress.
Braces on 4/4/07 -
Braces off 3/31/08!

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#8 Post by cwatt1 »

All I can say is, WOW!!!

Your teeth are looking tremendous! Gives me something to look forward to on those days when I'm not loving my braces so much!!


Click here to read about my progress.

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#9 Post by choccyface »

Wow Jamie, your teeth are shaping up really nice!

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#10 Post by LaaLaa »

Jamie, you teeth are looking beyond awesome!!! In just one year nonetheless!! I'm hoping mine will turn out like yours in about a year. *crosses fingers* Your teeth look super white also!! :shock: Keep us updated with pics. :D Amazing progress!!

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#11 Post by tin_grin »

Gorgeous! I hope the second year flies by, too. How do you keep your clear bands so nice? You must not drink coffee. ;-)

Braced: July 19, 2006
Debraced: April 21, 2008
Ceramic uppers & lowers

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