34, single, and need braces... again!

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34, single, and need braces... again!

#1 Post by braces34 »

Hi - I'm new to this site. I'm 34, single, and need braces... for the second time. They predict treatment will take 24 months. I wore braces for 2 years when I was 13. Both eye teeth were impacted. I had oral surgery - twice, since the doctor messed up the first time - and the eye teeth were eventually pulled down into place with the braces. Now almost 20 years later, one eye tooth has been rotating - you can actually see the side of the tooth now. I made an appointment with a consmetic dentist who took one look in my mouth and said "you have too many teeth". He referred me to a local orthodontist and an oral surgeon. Went through the round of photos, x-rays, and molds. I have crowding, a severe overbite, etc. etc., and my orthodontist thinks I'll eventually develop TMJ - already have the beginnings of it. I need to have 2 pre-molars on top removed and 2 on the bottom.

So I really "need" braces. But I'm having a hard time committing and scheduling the appointment to have them put on. Who is going to want to date a 34 year old with braces? I don't want to take myself out of the dating game for essentially 2 years.

I want to do it because I know I'll ultimately be glad I did. But it's the road to get there that's a bit intimidating. Any advice?

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#2 Post by marcusjb »

Hello there

As someone who's only recently had braces (about 7 weeks ago now) - also 34 and single - it was certainly one of my biggest concerns (along with how colleagues and friends would react).

I certainly haven't had any issues with dating really (no more so than I did pre-braces anyway!). In actual fact, I feel strangely more confident around people now I have my braces!

Really shouldn't worry about it and the sooner you book the appointment, the sooner they are on, and then the sooner they are off and your teeth are sorted out.

I guess everyone (particuarly single people) have all the same worries. But it really shouldn't stop you doing what you need to do.

I hope this helps you make your mind up!

Marcus JB

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#3 Post by gunter8888 »

I wouldn't worry too much about taking yourself out of the dating game. Here are a few reasons why:
1) You obviously need to address the issues you mentioned. Treatment won't get an easier if you wait, but the issues sound like they may get worse if you wait.
2) Any woman who has an issue with a man (or vice-versa) who is taking care of his health and appearance probably isn't someone you want to be with long-term.
2b) I have many women aproach me and comment positively on my braces. They often say things like, "I need to do something about my teeth..." or "That's so cool that you are doing it as an adult."
3) If, by chance, you are still in "the game" when your treatment is finished your improved smile will be a BIG asset!
4) There is a great sense of self confidence that can come when you know you are taking care of your body/health.

I hope those points help a little.

Best of luck!
Expander in 8/9/06
Lowers on 11/30/06
Uppers on / Expander gone on 1/31/2007
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#4 Post by platinum »

What about linguals or invisalign? Those do not show out that much.

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#5 Post by Livi35 »


I too am in my mid thirties, single and have just got braces for the first time two weeks ago, and can totally understand where you are coming from. But like the others have all said:

You are looking after your health (which is so important),

By leaving it too long you may find you have further problems down the track,

You may be able to find out whether invisalign or lingual braces are a suitable alternative and;

If any propsective partner has an issue with braces then perhaps they are not the sort of person you wish to have a relationship with.

I wish you the best of luck with your decision.

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#6 Post by rhonda30 »

I agree with the other memebers of the forum that getting braces shouldn't restrict your social encounters. I have gone through and continue to experience anxiety in social situations with my mouth jewelry. I'm much older than you and am single and now believe that the braces are a bigger obstacle to the beholder.

At 34 you have so very much more time to enjoy a beautiful smile, take the plunge and feel good about your decision for self improvement.

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#7 Post by tin_grin »

We should start a Single-With-Braces Dating Club! { :-)
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I think you should be proud of yourself!

#8 Post by mary. »

I just got my braces earlier this week, and I'm so proud that I finally did it. I think that as others, I'm going to find myself even more confident than ever. I'm just dealing with the first week discomfort and adjustment right now, but I am so happy with it all. I found the procedure so much smoother than I had imagined. I was so excited to tell people that I did it, finally. I am just a couple of years older than you, and single too.

As for how others reacted - they were happy for me! Really happy for me! I was delighted at their considerate reactions. Some people told me stories about how they had them before or their sister/brother. There was not one single negative reaction, just "good for you", "that's gutsy" type of reactions. You'll actually love to hear the reactions. They also thought they were pretty cool looking as I have the clear ceramics and they really don't stand out.

You'll be correcting a current problem and avoiding what could be a major problem later. Go for it - you'll still be the same wonderful you! But, also one who has the guts to make himself a little better too : )

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#9 Post by braces34 »

Thanks everyone, for the advice and being so supportive.

Update for you... I still haven't gotten the braces. I went for a second opinion and just received the results last week. The diagnosis from both doctors is quite similar, but the treatment plan is totally different. Ortho #1 recommends traditional braces for 2 years. Period. After an MRI, CAT scan, and about a zillion other tests, Ortho #2 concluded that I have TMD and recomments wearing a day and a night splint appliance for 6 to 9 months to stabalize my bite. Then he recommends braces for about 18 months, and he will use invisalign. He also wants me to have all 4 wisdom teeth pulled, plus 2 upper pre-molars.

Does anyone else have experience with these bite appliances for treating TMJ problems? I've read a lot of conflicting research that it helps some, shows no difference in some, and actually makes it worse in some.

All in all, I'm very confident in Ortho #2 and will more than likely go with him. Will have an update soon...

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#10 Post by ekin »

Hi Braces34

I'm just finishing up occlusal splint therapy, and it has helped move my jaw back into the postion it should be in. I'm now waiting to get my braces on and sometime in the treatment I will also need a transplatal archwire. I'm 39 years old, I'm not single and have 5 children, my oldest is 18. My social worry is looking too much like a teenager. I hope people don't think that's what I'm trying to do. My 13 year old daughter is in braces also.


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#11 Post by rhonda30 »

If deciding to go through orthodontia is not tough enough now you are faced with some difficult decisions. I didn't like the idea of wearing braces but when I examined the long term positive effects I thought the process would be worth it.

In your case what will be the best long term solution to your problem? Sounds like the TMJ would still be a problem if you just went the braces route. I wouldn't hesitate to seek a third opinion since the first are somewhat opposed to each other.

Best regards and hopefully the members of this forum can help you through this. (At least the ortho part, I am apparently socially challenged at the moment)

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