Braces at 52!

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Braces at 52!

#1 Post by Anim8torCathy »

Hello Gang! I'm on day 20 with full metal uppers and lowers. Really thankful for wax right now! LOL :lol:

I'm very glad I chose to do this and have no regrets regardless of any pain I may encounter. I'm already seeing a little change in my front teeth and that is like a mini-miracle!

So Hello from a Newbie! :D

52, Redwood City, California

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#2 Post by Mesha »

Hi Cathy, welcome to the club! :-1

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#3 Post by mstikl1 »

Oh good - another California Girl!
Hurray for you and your dazzling smile!
I'm almost 50 also; and just weaning myself off of wax
(1 month-i-versary today for getting the braces).
It's pretty cool having "nekkid" braces most of the day although I admit to using wax if little owie spots pop up.
Still lisping a lot, tho....
I've said in other posts but will repeat, if you can survive the first month, nothing gonna stop you now!
I'm really, really into brushing my teeth these days, feels so cool and seems to help the transient aches.
Have you discovered any comfort tips that work for you? Do share!
Congrats and cheers to a healthier, happier Golden State Golden Girl!!!

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#4 Post by rhonda30 »

Congrats on your new look.

Being a 50 something with a full metal look I know what your are experiencing. I agree with the others that the first month is the toughest after that it is downhill sledding.

I think it takes some courage at our age to subject ourselves to orthodontic treatment so smile broadly and be proud to be a member of our special group.

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That's so cool!

#5 Post by mary. »

I really admire you. I'm not too far behind you age wise, only a dozen years. You should be proud of yourself!

I'm in month two and it's a world of difference. I can eat just about anything now : ) Month one was a big adjustment, but all is good now.

We'll be journeying together for a while! Let us know how you're making out.


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#6 Post by Chloe1 »

Totally awesome!!! At 44 I'm not far behind you. Take heart - it gets easier!! I just finished week 5 and I can eat almost anything now. Only have wax where I have an annoying spring. I can see a LOT of movement after week 5!!!

wired after 50
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#7 Post by wired after 50 »


Glad to see another one of us in the over 50 crowd getting braced. I had mine put on a week before my 52nd birthday and can only say it was at least 30 years overdue. Within 2 months a front tooth that was hidden behind the others was in line not straight but up there with the other ones. At 6 months I have to say that my tops which were not bad look fabulous and the bottoms are getting there. I was told my treatment time would be 15-18 months with the damon 3's but I am hoping as least the top will come off sooner. I went Wednesday for a 6 month check in and he took pictures, did an x-ray and moved three brackets. I was surprised that even though my teeth were a little sore by Friday I could eat a hamburger. French fries were another story.

I wish you well and again welcome to the club.


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#8 Post by JerryW »

Another over 50, I'm glad i found this site.

I like to think the braces make me look younger :lol:


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#9 Post by alioops »

Hey Cathy - I hear you on the wax. I had metal uppers put on on Friday. Congratulations on getting started!! Hopefully it will go by quickly for us both..... :HugeGrin:

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