Putting things straight at 24

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Putting things straight at 24

#1 Post by sean83 »

Hello all, I've just spent ages browsing this great site and just registered on the forum! I'm now reassured and worried in equal measure. A bit about me...

I'm originally from County Durham, where I was referred to the Orthodontist back in 2003 whilst at uni. I had some x-rays in 2005, then moved to London for work in 2006. At this point I thought I'd lost my chance of straight teeth as I was told they couldn't transfer treatment to London! By 2007 work had brought me to Leeds, and I'd forgotten about the Orthodontist until late last year when they invited me to start treatment.

Now living 80 miles from the Orthodontist, and being 10 years too late (in my opinion) I was reluctant, but after much deliberation I decided to go for it. Because I registered whilst a student, I get it on the NHS so I couldn't turn it down - the cost would be too much if I ever wanted it later in life.

Anyway, I'm 4 teeth down and had spacers fitted yesterday before the main event next Friday. Roll on 2010 I say!

Posts: 196
Joined: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:32 pm

#2 Post by ripchord »

Welcome! I'm happy to hear that you've decided to get your teeth sorted. It may seem like a long stretch, but It's totally worth it. Good luck!

By the way, I think you'd enjoy making your own orthodontic story. Check out the "Our Braces Stories" forum. You'll get tons of inspiration.
Braced on January 5th, 2007
Debanded on April 2nd, 2009

Click www to see my story!

Posts: 30
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Location: Leeds, UK

#3 Post by macca »

Hi there cOOky and welcome to the forum from another citizen of Leeds!
Hope your ortho treatment goes well, congratulations for taking the plunge. That's the hardest part.

What has your ortho described as your treatment plan? Hope it's straightforward and doesn't include anything too heavy.

Posts: 101
Joined: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:56 pm

#4 Post by sean83 »

Thanks for the replies folks! To respond to each point...

AstronautJenny, I guess my "story" has already started in my original post! I have also taken a couple of photos and intend to do so at regular intervals to look back on :D

macca, good to see a local! Re. my treatment, thanks for asking - I've been told it's 18 months with a standard metal brace (not up with the terminology yet :? ), which sounds bearable compared to some of the stories I've read so far!

I've no doubt I'll keep you all posted - watch my post-count fly...

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