its been a week

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its been a week

#1 Post by mabelle »

So...I'm new to the community. I lurked a while ago when I was considering taking the leap and getting braces. A bit about me...I'm 26, but have been considering braces since I was 19. I was going to do them at 19, but they got put off because a year and half of study abroad and travel. Then I just put them off some more because I dreaded the idea of doing it. I recently finished all my grad school work and am out in the job market. I guess thats another reason why I kept putting it off.

I did all the x-rays, molds and stuff in october but kept procrastinating the actual appointments that would begin the treatment. (I wish I didn't because I would be three months in, but I did, so no point on dwelling on that).
Anyway, I got them on a week ago today (Tuesday). Its just the top (ceramics), for cosmetic reasons. Doc says that my treatment should be about 10 months. I hoping for good news sooner than that (I'm going to think positive). The first few days were sore, but less sore than the week with the spacers. So, after a week, I have finally become comfortable with them in my mouth, and am no longer sore.

However, I'm having trouble dealing with them in public. It is actually hard for me to produce a normal, real, smile for my family and especially my boyfriend. My boyfriend got to see my real smile finally today, almost a week after they went on. I haven't told my coworkers yet, except for one. I'm not sure why, but I just haven't brought it up. They haven't said anything, I think its because they haven't noticed it. The girl that knows says that you don't see them at all when I talk. The hardest thing was today, when I had friends come in and visit me at work. They didn't know I was getting them, and I'm not sure if they noticed. Yea, I guess I really have to deal with this issue of people seeing that I have them. :oops: But I'll have plenty to time for that :)

Anyway, just a quick, yea not so quick, intro. I look forward to participating on this board and learning lots. 8)

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#2 Post by 4113n »

congratulations on getting your braces! its hard to smile in the first week anyway since it hurts =p, my classmates were like "oh YOU HAVE BRACES!" after 3-4 months. lol.

good luck with your braces journey! 10 months isent too bad! you'll get them off before i do, and i had them since last march ><

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Congrats Mabelle!

#3 Post by mary. »

Don't feel that you need to hide your smile - flash those babies around, you should be proud of yourself... it's a great thing that you're doing!!

To be honest, my friends and colleagues were so happy for me. They're only reaction was: good for you, they look great, you can hardly notice them how cool - that kind of stuff. Mostly it was "good for you" reactions. I'm sure you'll get the same. Go ahead and let them share in your adventure with braces, improvement is always good.

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#4 Post by browneyedgrl »

Hi Mabelle,

Welcome to AW! I was braced for the second time three weeks ago and I totally understand how you feel. I told two people that I was getting braces and one of those friends was someone I worked with. I went into my office the day after and I was totally hiding them I have ceramic uppers and metal lowers. I'm usually very loud and talkative and wasn't my normal self. Then I was in my office on the following Monday when everyone was in, and some people noticed and started asking questions. By Wednesday of that week, I was back in the office for training and my usual smiley self, and some of my co-workers haven't said a thing. I've noticed that many people really don't care or they realize that it may be a really sensitive issue.

Smile proudly!!! :-#)

Started the journey for the second time on January 10th 2008~Ceramic uppers and metal lowers. Removed on June 2nd 2009.


Detective Foxtrot
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#5 Post by Detective Foxtrot »

Hi Mabelle, you'll be grand! 10 months will fly!

I have the same issue with smiling. When I do a beam smile I notice that I turn my head away from the person I'm with - as if I subonsciously don't want anyone to see the full brace or, god forbid, some trapped food!! :oops:

Detective Foxtrot
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#6 Post by Detective Foxtrot »

Hi Mabelle, you'll be grand! 10 months will fly!

I have the same issue with smiling. When I do a beam smile I notice that I turn my head away from the person I'm with - as if I subonsciously don't want anyone to see the full brace or, god forbid, some trapped food!! :oops:

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#7 Post by mabelle »

aww, thanks for the support folks!

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