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#1 Post by justkrista »

Hello everyone! I'm brand new here though I've been reading this message board for a long time. I'm 30 years old and although I don't have braces right now I've just been refered tp an ortho by my dentist.
I feel like I have endless tooth related problems! I should have had braces as a teen but never did.
I have a missing upper lateral insicors. The left baby tooth fell out normally and my cainine took its place but on the right side I still have an retained baby tooth. And its soooo loose. I'm scared to even think about this tooth because its just hanging on...and I haven't even had ortho appointment yet.
My front two teeth are very crooked and I hope braces will be able to give me the smile that I've always wanted. BUt how long is normal to have to wait for your referal? I want to have my ortho appointment now!

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#2 Post by jenny101101 »

I think every ortho is different. I called two ortho's in the city I live in and the first one(the one I went with) was booking 2 months away and the other was booking into this fall!!(7 months away). Obviously I went with the first one and liked him so cancelled my appt. with my second one.

Do you have an appt. booked already? Or are you waiting for a referral from your dentist? I'm curious because it seems like some ppl need a referral, and others(me included)don't need them. Maybe it depends on where you live? We're both in Canada but could change from province to province.

In any case, congrats on deciding to get braced!! :D It will be well worth it...good luck!
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#3 Post by LaLaDee »

Hey justkrista! I'm new to the forum as well and have yet to be braced. Looks like we're about the same age too. It does seem like it's taking forever for my brace day to get here. I was referred to an ortho in February. I had my initial consult 3/12, diagnostic records taken 4/2, then had my final consult on 4/23/08. My braces don't go on until 7/11 but only because I'm waiting to use my hubby's flex spending account because my insurance will cover nada! Although my problems are minor, I really just want to get on with it. The sooner they're on - the sooner they're off! :) Hope you get an appt soon!
Last edited by LaLaDee on Tue May 13, 2008 12:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#4 Post by justkrista »

Its so nice to get some feedback from you guys so fast! I don't know why I delayed joining for so long.
I'm being refered by my current dentist but I also wonder if I could just call and try to make an appointment on my own. Its obvious to all that I'm a candiate for braces!
I'm living in a fairly small city and as far as I know there is only ONE orthodontist here. I guess I have to have some patience...I've waited this long after all.

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#5 Post by LaLaDee »

I don't seem the harm in calling to see if a referral is required. Where I live, you're not required to have a referral to see an ortho. After my dentist suggested I seek treatment, I felt free to contact any ortho in the area including the one she 'referred' me to.

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#6 Post by jenny101101 »

I, too, live in a very small city(wonder if we're in the same one? haha) and there are only 2. I just called and asked the ortho's office if I needed a referral and they said no harm in you trying. I was so anxious to get my braces on, I made my initial consult appt., my upper brace appt. and lower brace appointments all in that first call!! The receptionist, I'm sure, was shaking her head, thinking I was a nut but I told her I'd already made up my mind(years ago) to get braces and now that I had the money, I wanted to get them on as soon as possible so to book it!! lol

Let us know what happens :D .
Keep smilin'! :)

Braced for 18 months: Damon 3mx all around with Damon 3's on "social six". Now is Essix retainers for 10 hours/night.

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#7 Post by justkrista »

Just made the call to the ortho and I have my appointment on June 11! (One day before my birthday.) It seems like so far away but hopefully the time will fly past quickly!

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#8 Post by Jill52 »

Hi justkrista, Great. You have a date. It'll come round soon enough. For me, this waiting period was the worst. I scheduled an appointment just before Spring Break (I'm a teacher) so I'd have a week off work to get used to braces and practice speaking before facing colleagues and students for the first time. I waited about 6 weeks. It seemed endless. Lots of time to worry and feel impatient, not to mention second thoughts. But time flies. I've been in braces for two months now and it's a fascinating journey. Roll on June 11! You'll be celebrating your birthday with smoothies! Regards - Jill

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