i'm a newbie with braces on!

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i'm a newbie with braces on!

#1 Post by blindboarder2008 »

Hi all
It's Emmy here. I'm a newbie to this board and decided it be best to introuce myself. I had my braces put on March 19th 2008. I have a bad overbite, my jaws don't align, i have crowded teeth in the bottom, my one jaw is actually smaller then the other jaw and i have frequent tmj problems. I have had my braces for 8 weeks now and just went to get them adjusted. I got a 14.25 new wire put on my bottom teeth and they activated my spring that i have on the top left side of my mouth. They are making space for an implant that will go on after my jaw surgery has been complete. I have my first surgery in june. June 20th 2008 is when i get my 4 pesky impacted wisdom teeth removed. I must admit I'm rather scared to get the surgery cuz it will be my first one! It will also be my first time getting put to sleep. IV sedation. Has anyone ever gotten that before? what is it like??? any comments would be greatly appreciated and I'm starting to get more scared as the surgery dates comes. So today i got everything adjusted as i said earlier on in my post. i will be getting the 14.25 wire on the top in about 7 weeks and a new spring as well. I felt very little pain during the ortho apt cuz i had taken 800ml of ibuprofen about an hour before hand so I'm really getting sleepy now. anywayz off to bed again i go lol

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#2 Post by catfish »

I've had IV sedation twice, and it was no problem. I wasn't put completely to sleep, though. I had it for my osseous surgery, which was done in two sessions. During the second session, they unexpectedly had to pull a large molar. I felt absolutely nothing! Yet I was awake enough to be aware of what he was saying, including when he informed me the molar was going to have to go. It was the perfect balance of being able to know what's going on, but not having to feel any of it.

I would describe the feeling as being halfway in a dream, kind of like when you are just waking up in the morning but aren't all the way there yet.
Click on WWW to see my braces story.

August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom



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#3 Post by fluffybottom »

I had IV sedation when I had my top wisdom teeth pulled. It was a breeze and the perfect option for someone like me who has a lot of anxiety about dental procedures.

They got me settled in the chair and put a blanket over me. The anesthesiologist took my blood pressure, answered my questions, got me ready and then inserted the IV in a vein on the top of my hand. He taped it down and got the tubes organized out of the way. I asked him what would happen if the drugs didn't work (I am surprisingly unaffected by a lot of pill-form sedation medication; one of the sedation-dentistry options is to do twilight sleep with a medication like Halcion) and he just kind of chuckled before assuring me that it would be unlikely for me to be unaffected. About that point, the drugs must have started to flow because I noticed the ceiling tiles above me going wavy. I asked if that was supposed to happen...

..and then it was over! It was odd in that I completely lost time. When I sleep at night, I still have the sense of the passage of time. This was literally like closing my eyes and opening them a moment later. I asked my dentist a bunch of questions and chatted with my friend quite a bit when she drove me home. I then called my parents to let them know everything went alright before taking a nap to sleep off the lingering effects.

When I woke up, I realized that I couldn't really recall what I had asked my dentist, what I talked to my friend about or how long the conversation with my parents was. My dentist called in the evening to check up on me and he said that I mumbled something about the ceiling before going under and that I asked the same question over and over and over when I came to ('Did you have to do the root canal? No? Oh good! .... Did you have to do the root canal? No? Oh good! ... Did you have to do the root canal? No? Oh good!' ... and so on). My friend said I was babbling about my lips. My folks said I talked to them for a half hour!

So basically, you lose time, you'll be a bit goofy and confused until it wears off and then you are good to go after a nice nap!
I had my braces on for 2 years, 1 month, 2 weeks and 2 days.


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#4 Post by blindboarder2008 »

okay ya i read up on iv sedation cuz i was curious and I tend to be a bit of a worry wart. Seeing as this is my first surgery in my life i kinda wanted to know what to expect so hopefully i'll be well educated going into this. Did any of you who had wisdom teeth surgery get stiches? does every person of this type of surgery get stiches?
hehehe this sounds interesting getting to feel goofy. The fact that you can't remember anything has it plus and negatives. Plus is that you don't remember if you could hear all those wonderful machines they use and negative: not remembering what they said afterwards, good thing my mom and a friend is coming with me. I'm not getting it done at the dental office rather the hospital. My dental surgeon that going to be performing my orthoganatic surgery is doing my wisdom teeth surgery which makes sense.

I've never had sleepy medicine to put me to sleep for any sort of procedure that I've had to have so this is gonna be interesting. I'm kinda happy though that I'm getting these wisdom teeth out cuz the top ones espically have been a huge pain in the neck!! They seem to worse now eversince I got my braces on.

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#5 Post by justkrista »

I have to have my 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed and it was recommend to me that I also have sedation. I 'm a nervous patient (but I've gotten much better)
Like you I have never had any kind of sedation. Good luck with it all and I'm sure that you will be fine. Keep us posted

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#6 Post by blindboarder2008 »

justkrista wrote:I have to have my 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed and it was recommend to me that I also have sedation. I 'm a nervous patient (but I've gotten much better)
Like you I have never had any kind of sedation. Good luck with it all and I'm sure that you will be fine. Keep us posted
Glad to hear that someone else is going through the same thing as I am! yes I'm very nervous about getting the surgery but i know that it will help relieve some of the pain that I have right now. But at the same time I'm scared cuz of it being my very first surgery. When do you get yours removed? I get mine removed June 20th.

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