braced for 6 months - a different story

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braced for 6 months - a different story

#1 Post by bracednconfused »

Hello, I've been lurking on these message boards for the last few weeks now and I thought I would post to introduce myself and tell my story, since its slightly different than what I've been reading here.

I'm a 24-year-old female from NJ and I was braced yesterday morning, clear uppers and metal lowers. I think my story is a little different than a lot of you because I've been promised a perfect smile in just 6-9 months. I don't have to wear the rubber bands, I didn't have any teeth pulled and I don't have to wear expanders, since the braces I'm wearing do that themselves.

I've known about these braces for about three years now, but was always coming up with excuses as to why I can't get them, even though I have always had a very bad smile that I've always hated. Now that I have them on -I'm about as uncomfortable as I expected. The pain isn't unbearable, I just feel like I have boulders in my mouth and its a little hard to get my lips all the way around them.

I went out last night for the first time with them on. I was pretty uncomfortable even though my best friend said that I did look really cute in them (God bless her). I felt the most uncomfortable though around my significant other even though he was very supportive about it and said that they don't change anything about me (God Bless him as well.)

I hate to sound whiny, since I know I'm lucky I will have these off as early as September, but I can't help but be very uncomfortable about the way I look in them and the way they feel. I know its a means to a better end, which is what I'm focusing on.

I'm looking forward to meeting you all and hearing your stories.

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#2 Post by bracednconfused »

I guess I should provide a little more detailed information about the journey to my decision.

I've had pretty healthy teeth the last few years, in terms of cavities and hygiene. I guess I've taken care of them pretty well -- except the fact that they've always been very crooked. I have severe overcrowding on the tops and bottoms - a lot worse on the tops. I have a tooth that grew on my left side in the back of my mouth - in between one of my front teeth and side teeth (sorry not as familiar with the terminology as the rest of you!) This has resulted in my looking like I'm missing a tooth in between these teeth, when in fact its just hidden behind them. My two front teeth are considerably larger than the rest, and I have a slight overbite.

Besides monetary reasons, I resisted braces during high school and college because I couldn't bare the thought of wearing them for two years, even though several dentists have told me that would be all I need to get a perfect set, since everything else is find with them.

Then I found my ortho, who specializes in adult orthos and developed a kind of cosmetic braces that promises results in 6 months. I, too, resisted this for years. So what made me change my mind? Well, this may sound silly, but it was from a few pictures.

I've always avoided smiling with an open mouth in pictures. There are tons of pictures of me, mouth closed, because I was always too self conscious to show my smile. Then during a night out this past January, I had some pictures taken with some of my teeth showing -- and I was appalled. I couldn't believe I was walking around like that for so many years - and that I'm turning down an opportunity to have them fixed in so short a time.

So I went in for a second consultation at the ortho (who is in the same office as my dentist, and who ALWAYS bother me about getting them every time I go in) and they explained to me some new technology - expansion braces - where I wouldn't have to wear any extra apparatus and could get them off in 6-9 months depending on how fast my teeth move. I promised them I would get back to them within the week -- and I did. To cancel the whole thing. I told them I would get them on in August -- after the nice weather, BBQ's and summer vacations came to a close.

However, I still keep thinking about them, and I came to the conclusion that I could be nearly DONE with treatment by August -- so why wait? I had given myself so many excuses in the past, and now was no different. I was nervous about how I'd look -- but I'm nervous about how I look regardless, so what's the difference? I could live on soft food for a few weeks, right?

So -- I took the plunge, thanks to the support of some people around me. The month before I got them on, I nearly called to cancel no less than 10 times, but knew in the back of my mind the monetary and personal consequences to backing out yet again. As the weeks went on, I found my anxiety subsiding slightly and slowly getting used to the idea of living with braces as an adult.

Now that I have them on, there are times when I think its not so bad. I'm self conscious about how I look when I talk to other people, but since they are clear on top, its not as noticeable as it could be. I know that as the days go on I'll slowly get used to them, and when I'm fully used to them -- it'll probably be close to the time of getting them off.

I keep trying to take it day by day, week by week, but am always looking forward to a few months down the line when I can get them removed. And trust me, that day, I'm going out for the biggest juiciest burger ever. One of the hardest parts of this -- besides the discomfort -- is that I'M STARVING!!!!


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#3 Post by SuperDave »

i know the feeling. i avoid eating too. its a pain in the ass. lol.

braced 1981-1983 all metal
braced again 8-30-2007
ceramic on top, metal on bottom
started rubber bands single triangle pattern 1-08
started double trinangle pattern 3-08 (yes 4 of them 2 each side) !!!!
power chains on top 6-12-08
still double triangle. geez!
top ceramics changed to metal april 01, 2009
may 14, 2009,....finally no rubber bands
(well for now anyway)

next apptmt. is july 8th, 2009 2:00pm

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#4 Post by *melissa* »

hi bracednconfused :-1
were alot alike in so many very nice to meet you! you should start a braces story in the "our braces story" forum, where you can track your progress and add pics and everything (like a journal):D (just copy & paste what you said here and you'll be on your way)!

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#5 Post by joysbraces »

I know you feel i havce avoided getting braces for years because of how i would look in them. my story defers because i had to have an extraction(a baby tooth) that never fell out. i decided to get braces after looking at my wedding photos and seeing that everyone else nwas smiling and i looked miserable. I want that smile and will retake my wedding photos lol if i have to just to have one photo of me smiling in my wedding dress. Good luck im sure you look cute and just think of how much better you will look in 6-9 months
im 35 years okd and i just had ceramic braces put on

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#6 Post by emmajade22 »

What braces are they that work so quickly?

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#7 Post by bracednconfused »

sorry for ignoring this post. no one answered for a while so i went lurking into other forums!

emmajade - i went to an ortho who specializes in adult ortodontics. he's developed a type of cosmetic braces for adults that gives them straight teeth in 6 months. i could go as long as 9 depending on how fast my back incisor moves foward. (it's been two weeks since that tooth has been braced and i already see some slight movement!! :D) it doesn't fix major dental problems and they do not extract any teeth. its purely for cosmetic reasons, thats why i'm in them for such a short amount of time. the braces themselves actually do the expanding so there is no additional appliance either.

melissa nice to meet you too! thanks for stopping by!! i've been thinking about starting a story but ... i don't know how i feel about putting my crooked yellow teeth on the internet lol. maybe when i'm all done i'll show a before and after. :)

joysbraces it's funny you mention pictures, because the reason i finally decided to go through with the treatment was after seeing pictures of myself actually smiling in a photo - something i never ever do. once i saw what my smile actually looks like was when i went to my third consultation at this ortho and took the plunge.

good luck to all of you! its nice meeting you all

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