they're FINALLY coming off!!

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they're FINALLY coming off!!

#1 Post by claudia86 »

so the time is nearing..
for my braces to come off!!
i couldn't be more exited!
when i first got them on, i tried to keep this forum updated.
due to certain circumstances i wasn't able to keep things posted as i would have liked.
but i am glad that my braces journey is almost over.
well, technically it should have been over a month ago..
but the lab lost my retainer so i had to get impressions for a new one..
and how i love impressions.
i'm sure you all do. :)

i was reading back on my previous posts and i can't believe i had my appliance for 4 months!! (i had a toungue thrust)
spacers were probably the worst part, if anything..
and they're no big deal, really.

to tell you the truth.
it has been a great experience.
i decided to do something to better myself.
not only my appearance but my dental health.
and i'm proud to say my teeth are beautiful!!

i will try to update once my braces are officially off. (and i'll try to include a picture)

my best advice to anyone considering getting braces is do it.
it may feel a little weird.. but when you're done you're going to end up with a even better smile you began with!

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Joined: Sat May 10, 2008 2:11 pm
Location: Wisconsin, USA

#2 Post by LaLaDee »

Congrats Claudia! :-)o A postive experience like yours, really puts me at ease about my decision to get braced. I've had a few doubts as my brace date is drawing nearer.

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