This is my first time ever having braces, and I am having a difficult time adjusting to the way they feel. They do not hurt, they just drive me crazy. I only have them on the top teeth now... bottoms will be done July 13. These are ceramic braces. I've not had too many problems with eating, I take small bites and try to chew in the back of my mouth.
The ortho says I will prob have to wear these for at least 2 years, and I am feeling very discouraged. Seems like a long time to have this yucky feeling in my mouth. Any encouraging words will be greatly appreciated! Thanks...
53 with new braces on for one week.
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I can relate. I'm 47 and have had my braces now for 7 months. First time braced as well. I had a lot of pain at first, could barely chew for the first 6 weeks--even my back teeth were tender. I have been told approximately 2 years--21 to 28 months.
My encouragement: for the first couple months or so there were times I just wanted to pull the things out of my mouth. It all feels so weird and foreign. The good news is I saw amazing progress in the first 3 months. That kept me going.
And now I'm so used to it. It's just a minor inconvenience cause I have to brush so often and it's a pain to clean--but also has me more attentive to my dental hygiene. I think for me being this age and doing it I'm a more patient about the time frame and a little less self conscious about what other people think. And more appreciative of the long term results. (you better believe after all this money and effort I'm going to wear my retainer religiously.)
My encouragement: for the first couple months or so there were times I just wanted to pull the things out of my mouth. It all feels so weird and foreign. The good news is I saw amazing progress in the first 3 months. That kept me going.
And now I'm so used to it. It's just a minor inconvenience cause I have to brush so often and it's a pain to clean--but also has me more attentive to my dental hygiene. I think for me being this age and doing it I'm a more patient about the time frame and a little less self conscious about what other people think. And more appreciative of the long term results. (you better believe after all this money and effort I'm going to wear my retainer religiously.)
Hi donnala - welcome! I'm in my fifties too, and I have now been braced for 15 months. I remember the early days - it takes quite a bit of getting used to. You will have good times and not so good times, but you will always find support on here. Eating is hardly an issue after a while, but I still get tenderness and headaches for a couple of days after an adjustment. I also remember the fun of watching teeth move so fast in the beginning. Congratulations on making the decisison to do it. Good luck with your journey, and keep posting.
Braced March 20 2008
12 - 15 months

12 - 15 months

Hi Donnala-welcome! This is a great site with lots of info!
I am 6 weeks in to my first bracing at 32 years, I have ceramic top and bottoms and 3 weeks ago I was ready to get these things taken off!!! Even though I had an extraction, which would of looked pretty stoopid! All I can say is go easy on yourself, it does take a lot of getting used to. Like the brushing at work and fitting the brushing into your home routine etc etc. Mine are very tender but that isnt everyones experience and hopefully not yours. You sound like you are doing the right thing eating little bits and chewing where you can. The best thing at the early stage is the teeth move...loads, honestly I saw a friend I hadnt seen for 2 weeks and she was like WOW!! That keeps you going, so keep looking for movement.
Congratulations on doing something great for yourself. Keep your chin up. xxxx
I am 6 weeks in to my first bracing at 32 years, I have ceramic top and bottoms and 3 weeks ago I was ready to get these things taken off!!! Even though I had an extraction, which would of looked pretty stoopid! All I can say is go easy on yourself, it does take a lot of getting used to. Like the brushing at work and fitting the brushing into your home routine etc etc. Mine are very tender but that isnt everyones experience and hopefully not yours. You sound like you are doing the right thing eating little bits and chewing where you can. The best thing at the early stage is the teeth move...loads, honestly I saw a friend I hadnt seen for 2 weeks and she was like WOW!! That keeps you going, so keep looking for movement.
Congratulations on doing something great for yourself. Keep your chin up. xxxx

I am 32 years old, got my braces on 21st April, ceramic top and bottom with a lovely gold archwire!! I have metal brackets on the back teeth. I have has a right pre-molar removed to allow a wayard left canine to fit in its proper place.
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Fri May 15, 2009 9:59 am
8 days and counting
Thanks again for all the words of support and encouragement. I do think my teeth are starting to move already, which does give me a sense of getting somewhere!
My teeth are not very sore at all anymore, and I even managed to eat lunch out today (I had a burrito at Moe's, which I ate with a knife and fork, but that didn't change the taste at all - ....I even had a few chips and salsa. Of course, I spent the next 1/2 hour cleaning bits of jalapeno and black olives from between the braces, but that really wasn't as awful as I thought it would be.
Then I went to Sam's and was buying a bottle of wine and the clerk asked if I am over the age of 27!!!! wooohooooo that hasn't happened in years! LOL I wonder if it was the braces?????
It does help so much to "talk" to others who are going through the same thing! I love hearing your stories, too!
My teeth are not very sore at all anymore, and I even managed to eat lunch out today (I had a burrito at Moe's, which I ate with a knife and fork, but that didn't change the taste at all - ....I even had a few chips and salsa. Of course, I spent the next 1/2 hour cleaning bits of jalapeno and black olives from between the braces, but that really wasn't as awful as I thought it would be.
Then I went to Sam's and was buying a bottle of wine and the clerk asked if I am over the age of 27!!!! wooohooooo that hasn't happened in years! LOL I wonder if it was the braces?????
It does help so much to "talk" to others who are going through the same thing! I love hearing your stories, too!