Taking the plunge!!

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Taking the plunge!!

#1 Post by momofAx2 »

Well, I'm counting down the days until the braces go on. I had the impressions made yesterday, which was an experience in itself! I've had a few apprehensive thoughts about getting braces at 44 but I am ready. My top teeth aren't terribly crooked but I have a deep (100%) overbite and my bottom teeth are wearing down because of it. I also have some crowding issues on the bottom teeth. The otho says to expect 24 months of treatment.

This is a great website and I'm so glad I've found it. I've been able to get so much information here and feel like I'm better prepared because of it. :)

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#2 Post by sarahlynn »

I'm in the same boat as you - had my molds done on Thursday and I have spacers in on the top. My braces go on next Thursday - counting down the days! Apprehensive but excited :)

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#3 Post by Katarina527 »

Good luck to you!! I just turned 45 and I have been braced for 9 months! It will be well worth it, but trying at times. All in all not to bad!!! Good Luck!


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#4 Post by momofAx2 »

Thanks for the welcome and support! I'm counting down the days. It's amazing that getting braces has become such a big part of my every day life and I haven't even gotten them yet! I'm full of nervous excitement!

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Getting them on 6/23!

#5 Post by southernbelle007 »

I am so happy that I found this thread! We initially went in to have the consultation and I have been talking strongly about wanting them for quite sometime. My wonderful husband gave in after the doctor showed me what my teeth will look like after I am finished and I cried. :-(( He couldn't resist. I have the spacers and it isn't bad, I just have to keep reminding myself that it is the bands, not food, when I am finished eating. LOL!

Thanks for allowing me to share with someone. I know all my friends are SICK of me talking about it. :D

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Braces are on!!!

#6 Post by momofAx2 »

Well, the big day was Tuesday! This is my third day in braces and the feelings of "What have I done to myself?" are beginning to wear off. Other than the insides of my cheeks being a little sore, I have not had any pain from the braces at all. I'm actually feeling some movement in my teeth already! :D

I am currently on a liquid, yogurt and mashed potato diet (yum!) because I have turbos on the backs of my front teeth which prevent me from chewing anything. When I try to close my mouth my molars have 1/4 inch of space between them! I'm told that I may have to have them on for eight months (:cry:) but that my teeth should come together before then.

The reactions that I'm receiving have been somewhat mixed. Most people are very encouraging but there have also been those who think my teeth "are not that bad". I'm tired of having to explain that it's more for my bite than crooked teeth as my problem is not so obvious.

Well here's to the beginning of my count down! First adjustment is in eight weeks.

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