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Hello Everyone!

#1 Post by JenInBraces »

Well, first off my name is Jen and I'm 20, soon to be 21! This is my second time in braces. When I was younger I just had 6 brackets on the top, as I had a pretty big gap and everything. Years later, my teeth are now crowded. I just got my braces put on Monday February 22. I decided with the sapphire brackets on top and just the plain normal metal ones on bottom.

I don't have the archwires in yet, I have an appointment to get all 4 of my 2nd premolars extracted this coming Saturday. Pretty nervous about this appointment, just had all 4 wisdom teeth out a year ago... though those were impacted and I ended up with dry socket on both sides of my mouth and was in pain for 6 weeks straight.. HORRIBLE memory!@ I'm sure this time it will be much less pain compared to the wisdom teeth, as it's just an extraction to 4 normal teeth (I hope!). So anyone who's had their teeth extracted for braces, any insight of how much pain I'll be in afterward will be great!

My next appt will be March 25th and then I'll get the archwires.

I also have one question which I can ask the ortho later, but I'm sure many of you have answers now.

They put the metal bands on the first molars and I was just curious to know what happens to the 2nd molars? Are they left out? The top two 2nd molars are pretty messed up, one is pretty much completely sideways and the other is pushed to the inside a bit. I would like them to be corrected eventually, but I suppose if they aren't at least everything else will be nice and straight =)

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#2 Post by bb »

I'm sure there's a plan for your molars. You should ask next time you go in.
Good luck with your extractions. It'll be a breeze - a bit bloody afterwards but the pain quickly subsides and it heals up fast. The worst part is the build up to it!

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