Thursday is the day of change!!

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Thursday is the day of change!!

#1 Post by MCSpeelman »

Greetings Board!

Thank you Lynn and the moderators for this site and the opportunity to know that I am not the only adult who is going thru this process. I am very nervous about Thursday and getting my braces. I have debated doing this for a couple of months and my biggest fear is that of a teenager where I feel that people will treat me badly because of the braces in my mouth. Which is the exact reason I didn't get braces as a teen.

My finances and insurance is making this an affordable option, plus my 10 year old son needs braces as well, so we will both go thru the process together! He is terrified of the Dentist and I have been first in the treatment process so he can see what is going to happen. On Thursday I get my braces and he is having his records taken.

My Dentist states that I will wear braces for two years and hopefully will not need any extractions but he reserves the right to change his mind in 9 months if the teeth aren't moving the way he wants. I pray I don't need any teeth pulled. I am already missing a lower front tooth from being a child and he hopes that will be enough to make the changes.

I would enjoy chatting with others abouth the process and the ups and downs with the pain and appearance. Is there anyone else out there in their late 30's? I am also single and actively dating and wonder what will happen to my dating life once the braces are on.

I too am having a friend take photos of the process so I can have a record of the before and after of this commitment. The Dentist states that my only problem will be that once it is all done, people may think I have dentures because my teeth will be near perfect. I can't imagine that at all having an overbite like I do.

Thanks for letting me introduce myself and sharing my situation.....

Sign me nervous! :roll:

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Joined: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:19 am
Location: Ohio

#2 Post by Attagirl2 »

Welcome Marlene. Rest assured you will be fine, but sore after your braces get put on. It is good of you to lead the way so that your 10 year old knows what is to happen. This is a really good site to learn what to expect, just do a search on different topics and then post any questions you need answers too. Best wishes to both of you on your braces journey. :D
Had Damon 3 / Smart Clips for almost 2 years
Now in Hawley upper 10 hours/day, permanent lower retainers

Posts: 137
Joined: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:53 pm
Location: Northeast Pennsylvania USA

#3 Post by bill »


welcome! you're right about this forum! i first found it last september when i started the process and thought i was an old fool being crazy. The worst part in retrospect was being overly concerned about the whole thing. Having others to chat with really does help!!

it won't be long that you'll be encouraging other newbies and feeling like a pro!

Braces OFF: 4 October 2006....can't stop SMILING!

Posts: 639
Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:38 am
Location: Europe

#4 Post by joplin »

Welcome, Marlene, I'm glad you found this board! There are crowds of nice and helpful people in their 30´s, 40´s and 50´s here going through the same thing, you're not alone :) Good luck with your treatment and your son's too!
Case: Impacted canines, crowding & crossbite.
Treatment: SARPE 2004/10/6, RPE 2004/9/28 - 2005/1/31, w-arch until 2005/11/22, impacted canines extracted 2005/5/18.
Braces on: top 2005/6/2, bottom 2005/8/30.
Braces off: 2008/6/9.
Retainers, phase one: expanding Hawley retainer 24/7, bonded retainers on top & bottom.
Retainers, phase two: Hawley on top, bonded both top & bottom, positioner for night time use.

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