Braces,Wedding,Honeymoon...OH BOY!

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Braces,Wedding,Honeymoon...OH BOY!

#1 Post by creampuffs »

Hi all! I just wanted to finally introduce myself. I've been lurking( like a lot of you) for some time now. I would say, about a year, while I was of getting braces.

YES! I am in braces and have been for about 10 months now! Like everyone else, I didn't have the best looking set of teeth, but never really did anything about it. One day, I just got really tired of thinking on whether or not to get braces, so tired that I went out and did something about it.

I can tell you, that when I finally make up my mind(it took a bit of time though. hehehe), I move real fast! Within 2 weeks, I was braced and have not looked back since.

I am also getting married soon and yes I will have my braces on still for the wedding and the honeymoon. However, I just didn't care. I supposed anything would look better then what my teeth use to be. And besides, the braces doesn't work me, I work it. :)
Since I have ceramics, they really don't show up much in pictures, AND I have a good photographer. He actually is into photojournalism soooo...he can white them out in the real close up shots! YIPPIE!

In any case, I've had my equal shares of pain since I've been braced. At times, I can tell you that it hurts really bad after an adjustment or even during. I am not a whimp when it comes to pain so when I tell you, it hurts, it most certainly does. But my Ortho is getting better about hurting me. He better or else!

My progress at the beginning was fast, now it has slowed down a bit. It appears that the left side of my teeth does not want to corporate. Ortho has been working it for the past 4 months. I sometimes wonder what he's doing because honestly, I've become so accustom to my teeth that I can tell him at times, what he needs to do.

Ok, Sorry for the long message, I'm sure I can think of many more things to tell you all, but in time I guess I will.

For now though, I have a wedding to go plan!

thanks for listening.
Top Braced: 8/12/04
Bottom Braced: 8/18/04
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#2 Post by bill »



What cool wedding pictures you'll have! That'll be a book of memories. You'll be able to tell the stories of you're adjustments and your wonderful wedding day all at the same time!


Braces OFF: 4 October 2006....can't stop SMILING!

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#3 Post by creampuffs »

thank you Bill. I am a bit nervous now that the wedding date is getting closer!
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#4 Post by bbsadmin »

One day, years and years from now, your kids will look at your wedding pictures and say "Wow Mom, you sure were YOUNG when you got married!" (i.e., the braces making you look younger). :wink:

Best of luck with everything, creampuffs!
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#5 Post by bill »


you're a funny gal! :)

Braces OFF: 4 October 2006....can't stop SMILING!

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Wedding and Braces

#6 Post by HollyDontSpend »

Hey there,
I just wanted to share with you that I got braces last May knowing that during the summer I would have wedding stuff to plan and a honeymoon too. I definately know where you are coming from. At first I was a big baby at adjustments, but now that I know they are coming off soon I say, "bring on the pain baby!"

My ortho asked if I wanted to have ceramics on top for the pictures and then we could switch back to the damon brackets, but I told him no. Photographers today have lots of ways to make braces look better since PhotoShop was invented (lucky us!). I always told my mother in law, that everything in my life was going to be changing that summer, including my teeth, so I wanted to find the best way to document it. The braces were hardly noticeable in all the photos at the reception. Either way, congratulations on your wedding and your braces!!!!

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#7 Post by creampuffs »

Thank you bbsadmin and holly!

That is truly what I am hoping (that they don't show up too much in the pictures). Originially my wedding was going to be in April (past). Thank goodness I had to push it back because we just didn't do much planning because we were so busy with everything else (new house, family,work...).
This is why we pushed it back to Sept. Thank goodness, because I had a couple of bumps in the road and were not even close to where they are now.
The reason why I am a bit nervous now isn't actually because of the braces themselves but that the left side of my upper teeth aren't moving as fast as the right side. The Ortho is trying to rotate my canine. He's been trying for the past 4 months. The tooth is so stubborn, but in doing so, it has left a slight gap in my two front teeth, which I just hate.
At my next adjustment, I think I will ask him what he plans to do knowing that I am getting married in Sept. !
Top Braced: 8/12/04
Bottom Braced: 8/18/04
Sentenced: 2 years

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