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Hi (:

#1 Post by cassidy91 »

Hey there, I'm Cassidy :D I'm 14 and I have had my braces since Dec 16, 2004. I know its mostly adults with braces here but I saw some teens so I figured what the heck. I'm having a lot done in my mouth and it will be nice to have people to talk about it with. I only wish I knew about the site sooner :P Right now I have 2 teeth that are stuck under the roof of my mouth and in a couple weeks they are going to cut through my guns and expose them so I can get braces on those teeth too & I'm really nervous about it. Well I don't really know what else to say lol :oops:


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#2 Post by Attagirl2 »

Welcome Cassidy. Yes, this is a nice forum to share our joys and our fears. I wish you the best in the coming weeks - you are right when you say that you have a lot of work to be done on your mouth. :D
Had Damon 3 / Smart Clips for almost 2 years
Now in Hawley upper 10 hours/day, permanent lower retainers

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#3 Post by Evelyn »

Hey Cassidy! Sounds like you have impacted teeth....just like me! The surgery is really not a big deal and nothing to be scared of.
My best advice would be to get the general anaesthetic (I think that's what it's called) where they give you an IV and you just go to sleep for the whole thing. You don't remember any of it. Don't let the IV put you off-I'm scared to death of needles but if you look the other way while they are putting it in you will be fine. This is as opposed to getting laughing gas or local anaesthetic, where you would be awake. *Shudder* Just my advice, keep us updated because your situation sounds a lot like mine!

By the way, which teeth are impacted? Are they you canines (the 'fangs')?

Good luck, love Eve
Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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#4 Post by cassidy91 »

Thanks you guys :)

Yep it is my canine teeth that are impacted. I have an appointment on June 27 so they can cut open the roof of my mouth to expose those teeth and then the ortho is going to pull them out from the roof of my mouth to where they should be.

I do NOT want to be awake for it, I'd rather get that anesthetic.


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#5 Post by Evelyn »

Good luck! Let us know how it goes-I'll be thinking of you!
Braced September 9, 2002
Debanding: JULY 5!!!!!!!!


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#6 Post by cassidy91 »

:D thanks

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#7 Post by CelestialVoices »

You'll do fine, I'll keep you in my thoughts. :)

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