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Hello fellow brave souls

#1 Post by Mona0922 »

I'm not braced yet, but have already put in a lot of "work". (That's what they say - I call it lying in a chair while they do the work.)

I was one of those bad children who didn't brush nearly enough and quit going to the dentist as soon as possible. For my last birthday, the big 3-0, my boyfriend gave me a camera and a surprise party. A few days later, I looked at the pix and was horrified at each one. That did it - I made the feared dentist appointment and got an orthodontist. I've dealt with the "drill & fills", 3 teeth were extracted two weeks ago, my spacers in a week later, and here I am, on the verge of being a bonafide metal mouth.

This site has been awesome through all my questions and research. It's wonderful knowing I'm not alone and seeing everyone's hints, tips, and experiences.

NO MORE BAD PICTURES -- or at least none that I can blame on my teeth! :)

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#2 Post by greencapt »

Hi Mona and welcome! I'm new here too and like many other was/is in the same boat as far as dental care goes. Try to take lots of before and in progress pics! I'm in my third day of getting braces and its taking a wee bit of getting used to. I just keep telling myself it'll all be worth it!

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#3 Post by CelestialVoices »

Welcome to the board. :) I'm not in braces yet either, (ortho consult is in september) but I've had my share of fillings, my wisdom teeth out last Nov, and a crown put on one of my top teeth (I fell and broke my tooth)
:( so after all this, and the dentist i just had a talk with saying I needed braces plus my own dentist saying so, I'm finally ready to take the plunge and get them. I'll keep everyone updated but no pics I'm afraid as I don't have a digital camera or anything.

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#4 Post by radioqueen »

Hi y'all,

Welcome. This site is fantastic for getting answers to questions and just venting your frustration over how your treatment is going.... or not going as the case may be.

I just got braced yesterday and would like to make a suggestion... if you like crunchy, chewy or sticky foods, eat them now. I haven't had cravings like the ones I've been having today since I was pregnant.

Since I can't eat certain things now, all I've seen all day is food advertisements, for all the foods I love and can't eat. :-(( So just a heads up, and good luck on your braces journey.
No braces - retainer

Posts: 30
Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2005 7:02 pm
Location: Indiana, USA

White wine?

#5 Post by Mona0922 »

Thanks everyone for your warm welcome. This is my first forum and it seems I couldn't have found a better place to start!

Speaking of things I won't be able to eat . . . I got an early list from my ortho of things to enjoy now before B-day (who woulda thought steak would be a no-no?). Has anyone found a dry white wine that will kinda take the place of red? I don't want to stain, but it's been ages since I could drink more than a sip of sweet wine. I tend to like cabernet and merlot.[/quote]

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