Hello All- Just Starting Out

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Hello All- Just Starting Out

#1 Post by kieran »

I'm on the cusp of getting full braces to correct multiple crowded teeth. A whole - long - lifetime of not smiling has finally given me the nerve(s). But I'm beyond nervous - not so much for how it may look but for any discomfort, etc. Will they drive me crazy so much that I forget how much I hate my teeth?

Anyway, this site is helping much by decreasing the isolation and I hope to find most of my worries addressed here. Thanks.

Posts: 32
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:42 pm

#2 Post by Lakester »

Hello and welcome kieran!

I totally understand what you're saying about nerves. I was so afraid I cancelled having mine done once about a year ago. Then I agonized over hating my smile and realizing I had to fight to make my dream of a nice smile come true. I have lots of overcrowding, the bottoms are the worst. But, my front teeth sit on top of the second ones causing me to look buck-toothed and in pictures those second ones get shadowed out and it looks like I have teeth missing (I look like a pumpkin!).

So I finally took the plunge last week. I was shakin in my shoes getting into that chair. And you know what? It really wasn't so bad. I had myself all worked up and the procedure that was actually quick and painless. I didn't end up with the excruciating pain I was anticipating either afterwards (which was what I feared the most). My front teeth are a little tender but I don't notice it unless I'm biting down. And I'm not taking anything for pain either. So what I'm saying is go for it! I'm so happy to be on my way to a nice smile that I'm smiling bigger already.

Best of luck to you!

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#3 Post by rhomboid »

good for you, go for it, you won't be sorry. don't look at the ground too long, hold your nose and jump. it will all work out.

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#4 Post by kieran »

Thanks for the good wishes and the push!

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Location: Bucks, UK

#5 Post by Sandpiper »

Hi Kieran,

Agree with Lakester & Rhomboid....and I'm sure you will be fine. I found the first week the worst by far - I was so conscious of my mouth, and it seemed like every waking moment was dominated by "teeth" thoughts. I have had no pain.....just a bit of discomfort with sensitive teeth at the start, which I think we all go through. I am now eating pretty much everything (with care), but I'm going for my first adjustment on Monday, so we'll see what it's like after that! I'm so glad I've started this journey, and the weeks slip past....I'm sure you will see enough improvement in the early days to encourage you that you are doing the right thing, and it will all be worth it.

Good luck with your journey, and I look forward to reading about it!
471 days in braces


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Joined: Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:22 am

#6 Post by rhomboid »

I remember the first few days as being somewhat sore, but nothing more than that.

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