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#16 Post by Lakester »

Good morning Sandpiper,

Thanks for the info -- I have never heard of disclosing tablets. Funny you mentioned those because I keep wondering how I'm doing with my cleanings. I'll ask the ortho when I go back about obtaining some. And I won't use them at work either :wink:

Oh I'm so glad to hear you are eating normally again. I'm slowly integrating new foods to see how it goes. I actually had a normal sandwich yesterday. It was clumsy and awkward because I still cannot bite down with my front teeth.

Good luck with your adjustment -- please let me know how it goes!

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#17 Post by rhomboid »

i am now into my seventh week of elastics, triangle on one side and angled back on the other. The ortho assistant tells me we are going to put rubber bands on your braces; i say very well, but with a gulp that i not sure if she notices. regardless i walk out with rubber bands on my braces saying to myself you have to wear them and you won't be self conscious. well i still am a little self conscious but not enough to alter trying to act like nothing is different; this is all part of the challenge. they exert a minimal constant tension enough to remind you just in case you were ever to forget that you are fully braced.

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#18 Post by kieran »

Thanks for the report on getting the braces on. That was helpful and calmed me some. I'm on the cusp of the procedure....and wildly ambivalent. Mostly I worry that they will just drive me crazy and I'll pull the plug on the whole effort.......

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#19 Post by Lakester »

Good evening friends --

I just had spaghetti for dinner with turkey meatballs. This is the first "normal" meal I've had. And without pain! Well, it was a little messy still, but I'll take it!

Rhomboid -- you seem to be moving right along, that's great. Where are your elastics located? This may sound like a dumb question but do you keep them on when eating or how does that work? Is this an alignment technique? I promise I'll get past the food obsession soon :lol: Keep up the good work with moving along as if nothings different!

Keiran -- I'm so glad I was able to help even a little with bolstering your resolve.

I was also ambivalent. As a matter of fact I got a looksie at my chart while waiting in that chair and saw how many re-schedules I had made as well as cancelling back in February of 2009. I chickened out. I was sweating on the way to the orthos office after I decided I was doing this heck or high water. On the way there a Kanye West song came on the radio "stronger" I think it's called. Anyway, that's how I felt. Like it will only make me stronger to follow through. So I did and I feel empowered. I'm just kicking myself for not doing it the first go-round. I'd be halfway through this! So I'm rooting for you -- go for it! You will be so glad!

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#20 Post by rhomboid »

Reference elastics: in my case adjusts the bite, by pulling the teeth on one side and the jaw muscles on the other to align the midlines. It is not a good idea to eat with them because they break with food in your mouth and it is difficult to access your mouth with the food and to clean. Chewing gum does work with them. Probably more than you wanted to hear.

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#21 Post by rhomboid »

kieran, join us you won't be sorry.

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#22 Post by Lakester »

Rhomboid-- Not at all! I'm like a sponge right now. I enjoy hearing other people's experiences because so much is relevant. I've learned so much here and that's what enabled me to move forward with my decision. I studied the process, evaluated opinions and analyzed to prepare myself. Thank you for your replies -- much appreciated. Oh and I miss gum a lot :wink:

Kieran -- I second what rhomboid said, hoping to hear some progress soon and best wishes...

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#23 Post by Sandpiper »

Hi Lakester,

The adjustment was fine - just had two ligs changed, and I could feel it almost immediately. Things have been a little tender, but nothing to worry about. I get the quad helix next time - I have to give a paper at an international conference in a couple of weeks, and the ortho wants to put it in after that, so that my speech won't be affected. Read eslewhere on this messageboard about the joys of a QH, so that should be interesting!! Hope all is going well with you so far.

And Keiran...Lakester & Rhomboid are right...go for it!!
471 days in braces


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#24 Post by Lakester »

Thanks for the update Sandpiper!

Also good to hear things are going well. I have never heard of a quad helix before -- so I'll be reading up on that too.

I still have about 6 weeks until my first adjustment. I still have days of tender teeth. It's quite the game of musical tooth though -- one day it's an incisor, the next it's a canine. Not sure what's going on there, but it is tolerable :wink:

I'll be curious to see how the qh goes -- and best of luck on your conference!

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#25 Post by LARRYBOY56 »

Quite the blog string you have going there, Lakester.

I'm the old guy (54 years old) .... braced almost a month. I am correcting TMJ, jaw, and overbite issues.

It is funny to hear you talking about eating. I cannot chew anything yet, because I have the "bite turbos" glued to the back of my front teeth. I have one tooth in the front that I can nibble with. Other than that it is the mooshing against the roof of my mouth. I am learning to eat all of the soft things (pastas, mashed potatos, soft meats, french cut green beans, rice, etc. etc. )I have even given in to using the chopper to grind things up. It's not so bad.... I've even lost about 12 pounds so far!

I was told to use the "disclosing tablet" to show where I am missing the brushing. I used it at night, but WOW!!! I won't be doing that again. I had a red mouth & lips for 2 days and stained my clear brackets pink (I have the clear brackets on the front six). I have never rinsed so much and so hard in all my life. I was not about to go to work with pink teeth! I finally got it cleaned off. So the lesson is..... don't use them unless you have a few days to get rid of the stains.

Anyway, welcome to the club and good luck on your journey !


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#26 Post by Sandpiper »

Ha ha, Larry, I completely sympathise re the disclosing will read further up these posts about me using one in my lunch-hour at work. Sitting through an afternoon meeting with purple lips was really not great!!

Although I am only 6 weeks-ish into my treatment, I am slowly seeing the results, so it is encouraging. Will be great to start seeing my crossbite diminish. Hope you are seeing results too, and good luck with your journey.
471 days in braces


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#27 Post by Lakester »

Good evening fellow bracketeers --

Larry thank you kindly for the welcome -- and congrats on your first month in braces!

I have heard of bite turbos, if you don't mind me asking what are they used for? I have an overbite as well and was wondering if turbos address this issue. I've only had my uppers on for a little over 3 weeks and I have so much to learn. And wow, a 12 pound loss -- I feel really hungry after losing 4! Chewing certain foods can still be challenging to say the least. And some things just aren't worth the trouble ya know? lol

I still have a few weeks before my adjustment and will be inquiring about those disclosing tablets.

And Sandpiper how did your conference go? I very much appreciate your keeping me apprised of your progress. What kind of changes are you noticing?

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#28 Post by Sandpiper »

Hi Lakester,

Conference is at the end of August, so I fly out to Denver next exciting!!! My next appointment with the ortho is 8th September, when I believe the dreaded quad helix will be fiitted....I'll let you know how that is. How are things going with you? Are you glad you took the plunge?
471 days in braces


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#29 Post by Lakester »

Good morning Sandpiper!

I just got back from vacation. This was my first experience eating in restaurants and rather than heading home to engage in my brace-cleaning routine, I had to give them once-over and continue sight-seeing. Needless to say, I had a few embarrassing "leftovers in the brackets". At one point I forgot to put my toothbrush and accessories in my purse -- oh joy! So I want to remind you to keep your kit on hand :lol:

Denver sounds exciting. I've never been there. I hope you get to experience some of the city -- and best wishes on your conference.

I am so glad I took the plunge! I wish I had done it sooner. I'm actually anticipating having my lower braces in place so that I feel complete. Sometimes I wonder if people look at me and wonder why I only have braces on the top teeth (especially since the lowers are all whack-a-doodle).

I will be curious to see how the quad helix turns out for you -- definitely keep me apprised!

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#30 Post by Sandpiper »

Hi Lakester,

How're things? Hope all is going well. The conference was really good, and my paper seemed to go well. The things I found most difficult was all the social eating, and also all the talking - at the end of it the insides of my mouth were really sore!

Had a second adjustment a couple of weeks ago, but still don't have the quad helix - for some reason the ortho wanted to leave it another month, so the day of reckoning is now 4th Oct. Bit apprehensive as I have important meetings on 5th & 6th, and I gather it could affect my speech quite a bit! I'll let you know!

Please let me know how you are getting on.
471 days in braces


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