fat lip

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fat lip

#1 Post by toffeebraces1878 »

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has ever experienced a fat lip because of their braces?

I work in a call centre, so am on the phone most of the day, and yesterday I had forgot my wax (which I hardly ever need anyway) but I think my canine has shifted a bit, and it has created a huge ulcer and a fat swollen lip. It kind of hangs down haha!

Has anyone else had this?

Thanks for any help.

Amy x x x x

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#2 Post by sadpanda »

Hi -

My braces have made my lower lip pretty swollen and it's all chapped and painful. However, my top lip hasn't changed and it's as thin as ever. I wear silicone wax all the time, especially on the bottom braces because they cut into my lip and everything. I've had braces for nearly 4 months and experience the swollen lip pretty much every day. It's annoying and feel like it hangs down too.

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#3 Post by toffeebraces1878 »

Hi sadpanda,

Thanks for replying.

We have kind of a similar duration that we've had braces, around 15 weeks now, but where as you experience it every day I don't this is the first time it has been swollen.

I Feel sorry for you if it's every day you must get so frustrated with it :(

Hopefully it's because our teeth are progressing well I hope :D

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#4 Post by SilverGirl »

Talking is a killer for me! I've never gotten a fat lip, but when I've had to talk a lot it really is hard on the inside of my upper lip on each side near my canines. They are really raw right now, because I've been at a couple parties this week and have been talking a lot more than usual!

I think if you keep wax on it until it heals, that should help. I think this is the worst part about having braces - I don't mind the dull aching I feel, but the inside of my mouth getting ripped up is really annoying! The wax is great, but I've been trying not to use it too much in the hopes my mouth will toughen up.

Good luck!

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Re: fat lip

#5 Post by Theresa48 »

YES!! Sometimes out of nowhere there will be a spot that hurts or my mouth that gets raw...it's just that things shift all the time, and your mouth is soooo sensitive to that, so things rub in a new place. I am having that experience on one side of my upper lip now...just putting wax there for the time being. I always feel like things are moving when that happens, so it is a good thing!

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Re: fat lip

#6 Post by tayva31 »

So i just woke up and i have a fat lip because of my braces! Can anyone give me any tips on what to do? Thank you!

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