What was your first meal/food after braces?

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#16 Post by Rae »

I had chicken soup & bread, breaking my bread up and soaking it in the soup. i'm only on day two - I had some porridge for breakfast, which was nice & easy to eat & filling too :P Soup again for lunch & as we speak I'm boiling some potatoes to mash up with cheese & have with spaghetti hoops - can't wait!!! :lol:

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#17 Post by Nikkistixx06 »

Cup of noodles. So crappy to eat cause the noodles were getting stuck in wires! Ugh! :(

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#18 Post by Tatumms »

Mine were done in the morning. Right after I went to Jack in the Box and had a strawberry shake. Horrible headache and hurt when my teeth pressed together :( Ate yogurt for lunch and dinner, figured it'd wear off by the next day. I was WRONG. All day I had...advil? or aleve I don't remember which but once that kicked in I ate a cheese burger. I can't go long without my solids. haha

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#19 Post by prettyyoungthing »

I got my top braces on on Monday. The first few days I've only really eaten 2 minute noodles and mashed potato and then mac & cheese. Chili con carne was alright cos I mostly swallowed it :P last night I managed some some cooked broccoli, mashed potato and a piece of crumbed fish. It hurt a bit but managed to moosh it around and get it down :) Also had boiled potato with sour cream :)

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#20 Post by klobird »

About 90 minutes after getting my braces on, my sister and I went out to eat chicken yaki udon. I think that might have contributed to my archwire coming out of the buccal tube the 2nd day I was in braces. It was a Saturday morning and NO
FUN at all!! I had a pokey wire like a needle in my cheek for 2 days. It was awful!

But as long as I stayed away from sticky,crunchy things I was pretty OK--just had to be creative.

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#21 Post by xsamix »

Everyone seems to love the wax but I could never get used to it. Tried it the day after getting braced and I just gave it up and put up with the sores.

First thing I had was a plateful of mashed potato. Next morning was a bowl of oatmeal however brushing with braces after oatmeal was a challenge.

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#22 Post by Faerie »

I just got my braces this morning. Immediately after I stopped by Sonic and got a Mocha Caramel Java Chiller. MMM.

For lunch I had red beans and rice from Popeyes. And dinner was mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. Eating has definitely been interesting today..

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#23 Post by Jay04 »

I had salad as a first meal and I think I gave up and went hungry :cry: . Now I eat everything, even stuff you aren't supposed to eat with braces on (I do like a challenge :P ). I have never broken a bracket off either. I just cut things up super small and chew very carefully. I've been told I look like a cow when I'm chewing since I got my braces. :roll:
Bottom Fixed Brace - 1st June,10
Top Removable Brace - 1st June,10
Top Fixed Brace - 20th October,10
Braces Removed - 14th July, 11
My Braces Story: http://archwired.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=35442

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#24 Post by Sayrah »

When I got mine on, I'm pretty sure I had to end up grinding chicken up in a blender with mashed potatoes.. not the most appetizing meal, and after that I really wasn't hungry for a few days..

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#25 Post by Snowglobe32 »

My first meal after getting braced was a cheeseburger happy meal. I guess I wanted comfort food and to feel like a kid again.

I can't wait to eat ribs on the bone. Not sure if it will be my first meal when they come off but it is the only thing I haven't been able to eat since being braced.

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#26 Post by Mewwie »

Icecream is immediately comfort food :D

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#27 Post by Mareesey »

My first meal was chicken noodle soup. My teeth feel like they aren't touching right so I haven't eaten anything I'd have to chew. I had a wisdom tooth that I fractured from chewing because it came in crooked so I'm a little leery.

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#28 Post by jk123 »

Clear chicken soup. That was 5 years ago...I'm going to have to get braces again :(

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#29 Post by CountessDeSangre »

Hmm I have difficulty when I'm chewing. I can't quite chew with my mouth closed just yet. Nor can I fully close my mouth, for that matter.

And I've noticed an increase in saliva, so much that at times I need to make this slurping noise at odd intervals, and when I'm lying down I drool without realizing it! :oops:

I just need to keep telling myself that it's all for the greater good....

My Blog: http://metalmouthmisfit.blogspot.com/

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Re: What was your first meal/food after braces?

#30 Post by JimMaine »

Mashed potatoes and cottage cheese.
Eating out with friends at restaurants is difficult. I was a slow eater to begin with. It turns into an evening watching me eat!

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