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Hullo Newbie Alert!

#1 Post by rhuj »


Im 34 and just got my metal braces top and bottom yesterday. My god they hurt! Already the inside of my mouth is ripped but have discovered ambesol thankfully..... :shock: Will post a starter pic of my nashers in a day or so as about to go onto nightduty.

My daughter gets hers in a week too so Im trying my best to put a brave face on it! :oops:


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Re: Hullo Newbie Alert!

#2 Post by Crazy4Snow »

Congratulations! Do yourself a favor a go to the drugstore and buy some's the best! It forms a protective coating on the cold sores or cuts on your mouth and gives them time to heal and keeps them from hurting. Saved me from some major grief, that stuff is a God-send!

My story in this forum: ... =9&t=38942

Braced: 4/7/2011
Metal Upper & Lower
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Re: Hullo Newbie Alert!

#3 Post by QueenElizabeth »

Welcome! Welcome! :jump:

And sorry to hear about your mouth. :oops: Everyone keeps telling me that all that will get better with time. :pinkbraces:

Thanks for that info. :rose:
"One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
-Bob Marley


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Re: Hullo Newbie Alert!

#4 Post by rhuj »

Hey thanks guys! Just got off nightshift so not being rude in late reply lol..... This is day 5 now I think and off painkillers. Still using the wax though. Oh and managed to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhu x

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Re: Hullo Newbie Alert!

#5 Post by iamtamnur »

Today is my third day and I'm still in alot of pain. Ibuprofen every four hours, soft food, and Orajel several times a day. The only time my mouth doesn't hurt is when I sleep! Hopefully pain is soon gone for both of us.
~ Tammy, 45 y/o SAHM from PA

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