braces for gum health issue

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braces for gum health issue

#1 Post by Eve43 »

This is the second time in a year that my dentist referred me to an orthodontist for braces. He is concerned that my gums do not fit tightly enough against my teeth and periodontal disease and bone loss may become a problem in the future. I do have some gum recession. My orthodontist said one year treatment time with either Damon clear or Invisalign. I grind horribly at night, too. Has anyone been prescribed braces for this problem and if so, has it helped to correct the situation? Any opinions or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks, in advance!

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Re: braces for gum health issue

#2 Post by klobird »

I am 55, and those are the main reasons I have braces--to make sure gum and bone loss won't cause me to lose my teeth as I go into my later years. I have some recession on some front lower teeth, but I asked my dentist about how they are doing and she said mine are better than hers now and I won't be needing a gum graft in her opinion. She has a periodontist, and asked if I wanted the name of hers so he could do my cleanings or something like that. Ya--no, I have enough people rooting around in my mouth right now.....

Oh ya, the bonus for me is a great looking, straight smile with no overjet--and I'm beginning to see the difference. It's really exciting!

Oh, also I am a terrible clencher/grinder....I can't say that has changed at all really. I have a Plackers grind no more that was a free sample online, and it seems to be perfect for me because it fits with my elastics on. It's small and the most comfortable guard I have found so far. But you have to buy them in quantities because they only last a few days. I figured it out and they come out to about $1 a piece. Much better than the $500+ I spent on my custom dental night guard which after braces will never fit again!!!! :roll:

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Re: braces for gum health issue

#3 Post by Eve43 »

Thanks for the info, klobird! Just came back from the orthodontist and he said that my teeth will be tender to the point that it will keep me from grinding. Maybe...but I seriously doubt it! Scheduled to get Damon clear on Sept. 6. Braces at 43...never would've guessed it. I'm not concerned about the 'looks' as much as I am the discomfort. What's been your experience with the braces and discomfort?

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Re: braces for gum health issue

#4 Post by klobird »

Well, I have Damon-Q all metal top and bottom. They are pretty small, and didn't bother me at all from the very beginning. It's the pokey wires that are uncomfortable, and I have elastics which rub on the inner corners of my lips, and cheeks--but that's only a problem when I talk too much!!

Pokey wires can easily be snipped by the ortho. In the beginning, it seemed like I was at the ortho all the time with wires poking out of the ends of the buccal tubes. They put the archwire in, but your teeth start moving right away and the archwire moves enough to change where it is at the very back end buccal tubes that hold them in place. Sometimes that leaves a little bit of wire poking out the backside. And they can be pretty sharp pokeys!

I have found only one time to be really actually painful and uncomfortable and that was my 1st adjustment. I have only had one adjustment so far, which is way less than most people here. But it wasn't very much fun for the 1st 2 days or so.

Then it gets totally fine--to the point where I forget about them totally. I'm even starting to forget to replace my elastics when I take them out to brush or eat. I am supposed to wear them 24/7, and I'm usually really diligent about it--but lately,
hmmm--I don't know........just seem to forget about them...

Ya, I'm 55--if you had told me on Jan 1st of this year that I would be in braces before the end of April, I would have told you that you were absolutely out of your mind!!! : :huh:

Good luck to you--my second adjustment is a week after you get braces--on Sept 12....I can't wait.... :yikes:

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Re: braces for gum health issue

#5 Post by Eve43 »

Thanks for the info, again :-* I can't wait to start this process (and get it over with). I hope your next adjustment is a smooth one! I hope my initial bracing is, as well. I plan on having the Advil close at hand.

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Re: braces for gum health issue

#6 Post by flynn »

I have braces to correct an overjet (8mm) and deep overbite. Dentists have told me for years that I would more than likely encounter bone loss issues with the the teeth that are over jetted, that I would probably lose the teeth. And of course the deep overbite would lead to gum recession, for sure, without a doubt, 100%.
So here I am at 39, and I will be braced until 41- ugh, but it'll be worth it :P
I didnt have any discomfort getting braced (first the tops, bottoms a week later) but after each time, a couple days later, I experienced tooth soreness, like I got hit in the mouth. I couldnt bite into anything!
Now, over 2 weeks fully braced, some of the soreness has gone and I can chew again (well, somewhat chew- I have a bite plate that prevents full use of my teeth). This hasnt hurt anywhere near as much as I thought- I had heard so many horror stories as a child LOL!
I get my first adjustment end of Sept, so we shall see how I feel after that.
Good luck on your treatment.
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Re: braces for gum health issue

#7 Post by Eve43 »

Thanks for the info, Flynn! I'm scheduled to be braced for 12 months...not too bad. Good luck with your next appointment!

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