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#1 Post by ARutherford »

I don't have braces and don't know if i'll end up getting them or not. I have a consultation on Sept 6th. Apparently I have a cross bite and my teeth are rubbing together and wearing each other down. I basically just registered here to research and read.

Thanks!! :D

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Re: Hello!!!!

#2 Post by noveldevice »


I hope it turns out whatever way is best for you. I had a lower lateral incisor that was turned from the crowding in my mouth, and once it straightened out, I was kind of shocked that one side of it was noticeably more worn than the other. I think I got my braces on just in time.

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Re: Hello!!!!

#3 Post by flynn »

Best wishes in whatever decision you choose! I recently became fully braced- mid Aug- and I am glad I did. There are ups and downs, the "Oh no, what did I do??" moments, the "I see movement" moments, so it is a rollercoaster ride. Well, for me so far it has been.
I am glad I chose to take this course of action to correct my problems now, instead of facing and dealing with what would have come later in life. Plus I will have a straight, beautiful smile.
Better late than never has never been truer.
Good luck!
Life is a journey- make the most of your trip!


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Re: Hello!!!!

#4 Post by microbrew »

Hey ARutherford welcome to the board! Its a great place to read up on peoples experiences with getting braces. I hope your consultation goes well in a few days. Make sure to ask every imaginable question you can think of while youre there. I got started on my orthodontic journey just one month ago, after years of considering and contemplating getting started, and can honestly say i should have done it earlier :GapToothed: Best of luck and Cheers

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Re: Hello!!!!

#5 Post by klobird »

Hey AR--I just got braced a few months ago--I'm 55, and even with that, am really glad I did...in 2yrs you will be 2yrs older anyway--so might as well consider doing something really worthwhile...at least that's what I told myself.... :tingrin:

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Re: Hello!!!!

#6 Post by Chuck1026 »

I'm 44 and finally had braces done on Tueday (the day of your consultation). I had a consult back in 2006 and chickened out because I was told there would be extractions, 36 mos of metal braces and I thought my teeth would be okay.

About 3 years ago, I discovered my lower teeth (horrible and spaced) were jetting out and digging into my uppers, wearing them funny. I had a consult with a different ortho and again was told teeth had to be pulled, 3 years, ... so I chickened out again.

Last June I returned to the same ortho from 3 years ago. He laughed and said, "you could have been done by now!" but then said, " alot has changed since then". He told me about Damon Clears, no extractions and a bit shorter treatment time. The rest is now history. I am sore, but I already have challenged the bite blockers and eaten "fun" foods like grilled chicken, fried fish, onion rings..,

Stop waiting and just do it! The technology is finally "Chuck Approved" ;) .

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Re: Hello!!!!

#7 Post by Redfern »

Hello! I hope you find what you're looking for here.

It looks like Chuck and I got braced the same day! I'm 50 and went for a consult about 4 years ago. I wanted them then, but just couldn't afford it.

Fast forward to spring 2011--I'm in the office with my daughter and I asked for another consult. The ortho pulled up my pictures from last time, and then we took some new ones. Yikes! You could really see the problems getting worse. This time I have a job with ortho coverage, so I decided to go for it. My daughter's braces came off on Aug 30 and mine went on Sept. 6.

It's not all perfect and easy. I have ceramics on the upper 6 front teeth, and damon metal brackets on the rest. My brackets all have hooks because I will need elastics to correct the midline and a major cross bite. No extractions, and hopefully 20-24 months.

A nice smile will be a great reward, but mostly I want to keep my teeth for life, and that wasn't going to happen unless I took some action.

I wish I hadn't waited the 4 years. When I add up the potential dental costs of bridges, grafting, gum recession etc. that I might need if I didn't get braces, orthodontics are cheap in comparison.

Good luck in your journey!

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