UserName Says It All

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UserName Says It All

#1 Post by OldBikerBag »

Because that's what I am.

I'm in my mid 40's and just had the hardware installed last week. It will be nice when I finally stop biting myself and learn to say my Eshes....Esh... uhhmm.... E-s-s-es ....correctly again.

It's a good thing the words "Harley Panhead" don't have any of those infernal letters in them.


Cheers, y'all!

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Re: UserName Says It All

#2 Post by BracedSurgeryStudent »

Mine is just as it is. I have braces. And I am going to school to become a Surgeon.
Jenn Medeiros

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Re: UserName Says It All

#3 Post by Realizingadream »

Well, Biker Babe (heh), I am in the Northwet also.

I am moving very slowly into the braces club. I'm a bit older than you and will finally get braces placed on my upper arch in 2 weeks.

I don't drive a Harley but all my friends do. I'm too scared of the big bikes. I do ride a small scooter as a concession to their friendship. I took the motorcycle certification class but the day was nothing but sleet and in the mid 30's for temperature, and it was my very first time on a motorcycle (shifting and all that). I aced the written portion with 100%, but then did very poorly on the practicals and that shot down my confidence completely. We spent part of the day in a big trailer, waiting for the snow/ice/sleet to stop and clear. Most of the people in the class failed that day. It was really disappointing.

When I want, I can get a bike, and my friends will help me outfit it for my stature, but I am just not ready to do that yet. I can't decide if I will EVER want the humiliation of taking that class again, and I don't know if I will ever feel smart enough to ride a Harley. I had confidence going in, but felt really stupid at the end of the 2 day class.

How do you manage those big bikes? What do you ride?

Oh, yah, dental stuff. I got a spacer placed 2 days ago, it isn't that bad. Maybe I am lucky. My bottom arch has been braced for 4 months now, the teeth have moved along nicely.

Yes and it is raining today. What did I expect.


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Re: UserName Says It All

#4 Post by OldBikerBag »

I ride a 1949 Panhead 74ci (1200 cc)

I never took one of those classes. The first bike I rode at the controls was a 1982 Yamaha Seca750. I just sat on it in the garage figuring out the gears and running through them with the engine off untill I had a fair grasp on the coordination between the hand clutch and foot shifter.

My suggestion is to get yourself a bike, at least 500cc, and practice. All you need to be legal is a permit and someone to ride with you who has a Motorcycle license. The reason I say at least 500cc is most states will give you only a limited license if you test on a smaller bike.

The secret to the big 'uns is, they are more stable and easier to control than the little 'uns. Heh..
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Re: UserName Says It All

#5 Post by spudly »


How are you getting on ?
I start mine later this month - I am 48 and my biggest fear is not being able to speak ! I am in so many meetings at work it will be a right pain if I have to keep cleaning off the spit from my desk as I talk hr after hr !


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