Jenik, I think we are going to be on much the same path! I've read so much...what's your age?
I have more impressions and regular cleaning on 7/2 and then start the process, they said, in 3-4 weeks after that. Sounds like same time frame as you.
Saw where a 60year old posted that she thought she could handle the discomfort since she had two kids via natural childbirth. Me, too!
I've been a dental wimp due to starting dental care in 5th grade ..with a mouth full of cavities. My dentist then was less than gentle and had nothing in his personality that catered to a scared little girl. He truly didn't hurt me any time, but I was scared and I can remember him shaming me for that. Odd, isn't it, how that sort of thing stays with you. After getting a "keep up the good work" after a particularly rough cleaning, I decided I'd had enough abuse and changed dentists. I still get a little antsy about procedures but new dentist and staff are great about explaining what is going on. I also used gas and find it to take away the anxiety. Extractions recently ... Now that they are in the past...we're a piece if cake!
Hope we can compare notes as we go!!