A shy newbie from Singapore

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Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:43 am

A shy newbie from Singapore

#1 Post by icantsmilewithoutu »

Hi everyone, i just got my braces for 1 week.
Over here, only 2 clinics offer the Damon system and
I'm currently on Damon 2. Not used to my braces yet
and the ulcers ( do u call them canker sores? ) are killing me!
Eating is such a torture too :cry: as I can't eat my favourite food.
I worry that I won't be able to eat solid food as I still can't chew after
1 week.. sigh.. what a way to start my first post.. :oops:

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#2 Post by SugarHiccup »

I call them ulcers too, must only be americans that call them something funny (I'm Australian).

I've had my braces on for a week now too, and can eat really really soft foods only if I chew really slowly and only on one side of my mouth! My teeth are still really tender, but the trick is to try and work through it and chew soft things, or else it will take longer for your teeth to get used to chewing.

My ulcers cleared up really quickly after I kept wax on the bits irritating them. I got so desperate in my first few days every single bracket had wax on it ... but it works!

Good luck :)
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#3 Post by johnnys_angel »

Coming from America, I had never heard of mouth ulcers until coming to this board, but I honestly think it makes more sense.
Damon 2's top and bottom, BRACED 02/22/04 and REMOVED 08/29/05. Now in bonded retainers (top and bottom) :4 wisdom teeth surgically removed on 12/22/05:

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#4 Post by john_doe »

johnnys_angel wrote:Coming from America, I had never heard of mouth ulcers until coming to this board, but I honestly think it makes more sense.
couldn't agree with you more. :thumbsup:

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