Fully wired (ceramics and appliance)

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Fully wired (ceramics and appliance)

#1 Post by SparklyMouth »

I've had my ceramics for about 6 weeks. Today I am fully loaded! I got my brackets and appliance. First, let me say that I was prepared. I saw photos of what it would look like. I did not know it would feel like my tongue was in jail! Yikes! I was a thumbsucker as a kid and a life-long lisper. I even did speech therapy as a kid. Today I feel sorry for my tongue. It misses the backs of my top teeth :-((
The ortho said the tongue will be on lock down for 3-6 months. I'm going to focus so I can be free in 3. Eating is no small feat. I wonder if it's any coincidence that a soup place is doors away from the ortho? I think not!
Thanks to this site, I see others have had similar appliance and learned to deal with the "funny talk" and becoming accustomed to the appliance. Thank goodness!

The other day my 8 year old daughter said I sound like Daffy Duck. Today she'll probably say I sound like Donald Duck.

Well, the ortho said to give it a few days and it'll be better. I'm going to report back shoon. I have a fee'ing zhish zing is gonna be a hoot!!

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Joined: Mon May 20, 2013 7:59 am

Re: Fully wired (ceramics and appliance)

#2 Post by settlers »

good luck !

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