Thirty-Four year-old Brace Face

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Thirty-Four year-old Brace Face

#1 Post by Lanifle »

Hello! I'm 34 and about to have double jaw surgery on 9/10. I've known I needed jaw surgery since I was 16 when after my first set of braces didn't correct an open/overbite and the Ortho said I'd needed braces again plus surgery. My parents didn't have the money to buy me a new mouth of metal, so I had to wait until I was an adult with decent insurance to get my jaws fixed.

Thankfully, my insurance is covering the surgery and I have a husband who is awesome and will take great care of me.

So, that's me and my metal mouth history!

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Re: Thirty-Four year-old Brace Face

#2 Post by Woobster »

I'm the same age and will be in the same boat as you soon! I'm not having any surgery, but will be back in braces. I'm a little nervous about it, but hoping they will help correct my bite issues.

Good luck!!

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