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Location: Bedworth

Hi Everyone

#1 Post by daveyw »

Hi everyone :-D
i've just joined this forum as i'm currently looking at the different options for braces.
i had a brace when i was very young, but never finished the treatment.(long story)

i've always wanted straight teeth, but cost, life, and other things seemed to get in the way...
not least of which was treatment time, when last i asked i was told 1-2 years :yikes:
now at 46 years old it seems technology has caught up enough to offer us 'mature' people :mrgreen:
a chance of the dental work they never got as children...

but having recently heard about the inman aligner, and treatment times of just a few months.
and now suffering with some other dental issues from various nhs dentists,
i want to get them sorted properly, and have a smile i can be proud of for the first time in my life...

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Re: Hi Everyone

#2 Post by TMJJill »


I just got my braces off 2 days before my 43rd birthday. I never imagined I'd have them as an adult, but I'm very happy I did. I had some bite issues that developed over the years which were addressed with the treatment.

There are a lot of options out there. Some are quite high-tech. I'd say it would be wise to get a couple consultations before deciding what route to go. If the aligners are a good option for you, great. If not, just know that most people never seem to notice the braces when you are wearing them. It is a much bigger deal to us than to those around us. There are a lot of happy people on the boards here who have the more traditional styles and have been happy with them.

The trick is know what you want to accomplish through your treatment and finding out what strategies would help you reach those goals.

Congrats on your decision. Good luck.

Braces as Phase II treatment for TMJD.
Lower mandibular repositioning splint 26 months.
Lower braces on 10.75 months into Phase II treatment.
Duration in braces: 2 years, 2 weeks, 5 days
Removal of Braces: September 18, 2013

TMJD treatment now complete!

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Location: Bedworth

Re: Hi Everyone

#3 Post by daveyw »

Thanks for the welcome TMJjill,

i've just had my brace fitted yesterday, not the inman aligner i was looking at,
but a tooth coloured fixed system at my local dentists called 'cfast' which is a UK version of '6 months smiles' i think.

a couple of teeth are a little sensitive atm, but it's not as bad as i thought it would be.

biggest problem is, it takes ages to eat anything! :lol:

Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Dec 09, 2013 5:46 pm

Re: Hi Everyone

#4 Post by hukillmommy »

I'm glad you moved forward! I just turned 40 and my present to myself was to get my teeth fixed. Its never too late for us old folks!!

Posts: 11
Joined: Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:43 pm
Location: Bedworth

Re: Hi Everyone

#5 Post by daveyw »

hi all, been a while again.
just past the 4 week mark and been back to my dentist.

tbh up till now i've had very little discomfort, a little cutting up of the gums until they toughened up.
and teeth a little sensitive at times, no need for any pain relief or wax.
and i can definitely see a small amount of movement,
from pics i took earlier and looking at the cast my dentist had made.

on Saturday my dentist fitted a new thicker wire to my brackets, and i could immediately feel a much stronger force on my teeth.
today though the 2 teeth either side of my front teeth are starting to feel a little wobbly, and i can feel them moving up and down slightly if i gently bite on them.
is this normal? it's not something that was on the long list of possible problems i was given to expect?

i want straight teeth....... not to loose teeth....! :shock:

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