30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

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30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#1 Post by tania123 »

Hi everybody,

I found this website a few months ago and read through lots of your posts. I have always wanted to do sth about my crooked teeth, but reading all your success stories made this wish grow stronger and stronger.

I have my checkup appointment with my dentist on Monday and will ask him about possible options. I already enquired with my former dentist 10 or 11 years ago, but he kinda let me down, saying braces aren't really an option for me. He said that my teeth are to weak to be moved around by braces. The problem is, that my teeth are really bad. In my country, going to the dentist is usually shere horror and I found a reasonable dentist only a few years ago.

But now I have fillings in almost all of my teeth, 5 or 6 root canals and a couple of crowns. *Shame on me* So I really dont know, whether it is possible and makes sense to move around my poor teeth. But I really hope so, because I hate my smile.

Thanks for reading,


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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#2 Post by Candyland »

Good luck on your journey! I'm sure your dentist can figure out the best option for you.

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#3 Post by jess1889 »

How did you go with the dentist?

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#4 Post by tania123 »

Hi there,

thanks for your comments.

My dentist visit was quite awful. He wanted me to get get 2 nasty cavities filled and 1 old filling replaced by a crown before even raising the topic of braces. So after a few painful drilling sessions, here I am now. He told me he is not an expert on orthodontics, but from his opinion he would consider me a borderline case. It might be possible to get my teeth straightened out, but he would not really reccomend it due to the poor condition of my teeth.

Anyway, he sent me to an specialized orthodontist to discuss the details with her. He also gave me a copy of my current xrays of my teeth. Maybe there is somebody experienced here you can have a look at it and tell me my chances for braces: http://tinypic.com/r/2ldk6p/8

Here, I have also got a pic of my smile: http://tinypic.com/r/27zhkjk/8
I really wanna do sth about it, hope it will be possible!


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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#5 Post by jeswane »

We have a pretty similar story, I'd say. I've always had issues with my teeth growing up because of my crooked teeth. Good luck, would love to know how you go with your consultation.

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#6 Post by tania123 »

Hi jeswane,
thanks for your message. Do you also have such a poor condition of your teeth? Do the fillings cause any trouble during your orthodontic treatment?

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#7 Post by metalliKa »

Hi Tania,

I'm sorry your dentist let you down some years ago and I'm also glad that you are researching and educating yourself about the said subject. I've always believed that if there is a will, there is certainly a way. You just have to find the right ortho that is specialized in cases like yours. I'm not a dental professional, but looks like your lower wisdom teeth are impacted. Eventually, you'll have to get them extracted. Your normal smile is not too bad, your mid line is aligned but you definitely have some minor crowding. If for any reason braces is not an option for you, veneers can help improve your smile and the shape of your teeth. Definitely discuss the latter with your upcoming ortho consult just in case. Good luck and I look forward to your updates.
Offenses: Skeletal and Dental Class 2 malocclusion
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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#8 Post by tania123 »

Hi metalliKa,

thanks for your lines. They really encourage me :-)

I also think there must be a way to get this sorted. Just hope its worth it and I don't start loosing my first teeth before I get them straightened. One of the teeth I got refilled last weeks keeps on bothering me. And my dentist told me that its already close to not to be fixable... *ggr* But lets see how it goes.
Called an ortho today. Got an appointment for mid of August only. But that should be fine, after waiting for so long 3 weeks shouldnt matter.

Anybody still has any comments on the condition of my teeth/ xray?



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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#9 Post by newbite »

I've never heard of fillings or crowns preventing someone from getting braces. Worse case they will band your teeth (instead of bracket) which can be a big pain but at least you could get the braces. I know root canals make teeth brittle, though, so that's something I'm not sure how braces would affect.

In your smile photo is your jaw completely closed? If so it looks like you have an underbite. I had an underbite, too, and braces and elastics have gotten rid of it. I actually have an overjet now which is pretty amazing feeling!

Could your tooth pain and tooth destruction be from your misaligned bite? Do you clench/grind your teeth? If I were you I would have an ortho consult ASAP, and not just one but at least 2 or 3 because sometimes they offer vastly different options.

How is the health of your gums? I just had a gum graft on all 8 bottom front teeth because I have congenitally thin gums that receded a lot and got even thinner with braces. It's something else to consider before getting braces.

I hope you get good news in your consults, at least there's no harm in hearing what they have to offer. Good luck!
•Braces placed August 14, 2014
•Deband November 11, 2015
•Permanent retainer top and bottom
•Essix retainers top and bottom 16 hr/day for a year and then nightly afterwards.

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#10 Post by ortho74 »

I'm not a dentist, but you might want to ask about getting those impacted wisdom teeth taken out first before starting braces. As other posters said, they can put bands on the crowns, but with several root canals they may have to take things slower = longer time. Also I would talk with several orthos because of your situation and then decide on which one works best for you, if you have an option. Look for those that have more experience with complicated cases and ask to show you work they've done with similar cases. Good luck!

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Re: 30y old, eastern European girl wanting straight teeth

#11 Post by tania123 »

Thanks for your advice. I have my first ortho appointment tommorow and another one next week. Will keep you updated!
@newbite: no, on this pic my jaw isn't completely closed. I just did it like this so you can see my bottom teeth better. I fear I cant put the blame for my bad teeth condition on my bite. I have been really not brushing well until just a 2 years ago. My parents never took care of that, nore did my dentist. I also considered the painful dentist appointments as an unaviodable neccessity. Only my ex-boyfriend made me understand what good oral hygiene is. So I totally have to blame myself here...

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