New from Philly

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New from Philly

#1 Post by Minty »

Hi everyone. I found this site via a google search for invisalign, and I am very happy that I did! I want to share my story with you because I think it will make me feel better, and if anyone can understand what I've been through, it's you all.

When I got my adult teeth, they came in crowded, some were impacted and I had a severe overbite. I got braces on when I was about 11 or 12. However, since my mother was poor and I guess uneducated about braces, when she couldn't afford to pay the monthly fee she would just not take me to see the orthodontist. Years would go by when the braces would stay on my teeth and I would not see a dentist or ortho. We would move a few times and switch to a new ortho, then see him for a few times and that would be it.

After I moved in with my grandmother, we got my biological father to pay regularly for the braces. The new orthodontist's office was a very scary place for me because it was always so painful to go. Slowly but surely some gaps were closed, I had a tooth pulled and the impacted tooth pulled down via a chain. However I still had the overbite and some crowding. Once I hit 18, ortho payments stopped, and the Dr. basically said that my enamel was so damaged by the braces that they would have to come off. So, that was that, and he gave me a retainer.

Now I am 23. I still have some of the glue from the braces on my teeth which looks funny, they said they couldn't get it all scraped off. I still have an overbite and I am still prone to cavaties.

It's been so long, over 10 years, that I haven't been able to smile or laugh in public because of my teeth. When I was in middle school I kept hoping that my teeth would be fixed by the time I got to high school.. when I got to high school I kept hoping when I graduated that my teeth would be fixed... then I hoped that by the time I got into college they would be, and then finally I hoped something could be done by the time I graduated college.

Well, time has come and gone and I graduated college about a year ago. My teeth still need fixing. There's discolorations from where the braces were, despite my attempts to whiten. Every day I hide from social situations because I cannot stand to smile, laugh, having my picture taken because the thought of other people seeing my teeth repulses me.

I just got a job here in Philly through Americorps, and now I am hoping that once I start making some money, I can do something about this so I can live a normal life. I don't have health insurance, but I do think Americorps has some sort of dental "plan", though I doubt it covers orthodontics.

SO - to end this long story, I am hoping to find peace by using Invisalign. Their website says that it will work for overbites, which I desperately hope is true because my dentist said that any more time with metal braces would be bad for my teeth. Plus, I don't want to go through all of that again.

I think I might be able to afford it with my salary.. if not I could try and geet a weekend job.

Does anyone know if there's some sort of assistance program that helps people with low income pay for ortho work? Anything at all? Will ortho's let you pay in lower monthly payments/installments?

I really want to make this happen. I need it to. I can't live like this any more!

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#2 Post by decisionmade »

Minty, you have been through so much I truly hope you can get the financial support you need to finally put this behind you...I think you will find much support on these boards and tons of information. You may actually discover that there are people on here with similar stories..You are definately not the only one..Good luck to you!
crowding, mild overjet, and crossbite
SARPE AND R.P Expander: 7-14-05
extraction : 9-15-05
Brace date: 9-29-05
Expander out! 1-12-06!!!!! after 6 long mos.
Taking them off!!! Feb 26, 2007

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#3 Post by Attagirl2 »

Hi Minty and welcome. You have been through a lot over the years. There was at least one tread about insurance and how you can buy some dental insurance that covers some of the orthodontic work. I believe it amounted to a discount, but you had to use certain orhtodontists. Yes, to your question about payments. Most places have payment plans of some sort. If not with the office then, through an outside company at a low interest rate. The orthodontist's office will be able to give you all that information.

Do check around for a highly recommended orthodontist, as you are a special case. The other option you might try is a dental school. It would take you longer in the chair - at least in the beginning, but the cost might be less (I don't know if the do Invisalign in dental schools, BTW)

You have my best wishes on your journey to a better smile.
Had Damon 3 / Smart Clips for almost 2 years
Now in Hawley upper 10 hours/day, permanent lower retainers

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#4 Post by Minty »

I am so disappointed. I am afraid I will not be able to afford braces/invisalign with my current budget - I'm barely making it by as it is. (I work for a NPO). I don't know what to do. I want to have this done and put behind me already, I want to start living life and being able to actually smile and laugh with people. I'm tired of being alone and always looking "sad". It's enough to make me want to crawl into a hole and never come out. sigh.

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#5 Post by CelestialVoices »

Good luck Minty and I hope everything works out for you :)

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#6 Post by strugglebuggy »


Welcome! :) I am also from the Philly area- the burbs, actually. I wanted braces since was about 14, but my folks couldn't afford them. Then my husband got dental insurance, and I thought "Woo Hoo! I can finally get my braces." BZZZZZZ... wrong. They don't pay for braces over the age of 18. (I'm 32) I was crushed because we live basically check to check as it is, and there was no way I was going to be able to pay 5 grand for braces. I went into an office in Phoenixville, and they were so nice. I had to have about 1400 down, and now I am on a payment plan of about 150 dollars a month. There is no interest, and I can pay it all off if I want to (per chance I hit the My point is that when I thought there was no hope at all, I sort of fell into something. Keep looking for that assistance. I hope all works out for you! :)

PS- I found this website when I googled Adults Braces and it's the best thing I've ever found. :) I love it here.

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#7 Post by Minty »


thanks for shariing your experience. I am still pretty bummed about this whole situation. I BARELY have enough money to pay my bills and eat food each month. I am trying to get a second job, but so far I haven't had much luck finding part-time work on the weekends/evenings that I will be able to have access to (I do not have a car, I take the bus/train).

I do not have that big of a chunk of money to put down... and there is no way I could scrape together 150$/month unless I somehow found a second job, and after taxes.. well I'm not even sure that would work. It's all really depressing, because I keep getting my hopes up, I keep thinking, well as soon as X happens, I'll be able to fix my overbite/overcrowding, and then I just end up with despair. Over and over again.

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#8 Post by strugglebuggy »

I know it's hard. There were about 3 times when I got crushed like a bug. The first was when we got the insurance, the second when we expecting a good bonus from my husband's work and we thought we'd just pay for them up front and third when we actually got the bonus and it wasn't even enough for a down payment. There was a year between all of them and it got to the point where I gave up trying. I was googling orthos in the area and found my doctor.... i emailed him with my story and he said that he could definitely help me. I was very skeptical- you know how you develop this thick skin to keep out the disappointment? I didn't actually believe we did it until they were on. My husband and I worked on the budget and moved some stuff around to afford the payments because it was as close to getting braces as I was ever going to get.

I really feel for you. :( This is a good place to vent, that's for sure- lots of support. Hang in there- something will come your way.

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#9 Post by andyindiana »

you mentioned that you lived in philly my suggestion is get evaluated at the dental school. i am being treated at Indiana university dental school i get the best treatment and the price is right 4100.00 for surgical ortho treatment ( just the ortho part) anyway 100.00 per month forever, but i am getting it done!! best of luck to you!!

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